Lefiya Viridis (レフィーヤ・ウィリディス) ist eine zweitklassige Abenteurerin und ein Mitglied der Loki Familia. Sie ist eine Magierin die von Riveria Ljos Alf, Aiz Wallenstein und Filvis Challia trainiert wurde. Sie besizt Magie die ihr erlaubt jede Magie von Elfen zu benuzten, diese Magie heißt Thousand Elf.
Lefiya hat langes goldgelbes Haar, runde dunkelblaue Augen und spitze Ohren. Normalerweise trägt sie eine Rosette pink cape on top of a white shirt and pink corset dress. A purple bow hangs at the collar.
Lefiya is clumsy but hard working. She occasionally zones out as her imagination runs rampant. She has a deep admiration for Aiz Wallenstein and through her admiration aims to become stronger so that she can stand next to Ais as an equal. She is often jealous of Bell due to his interactions with Ais.
irgendwann in der Vergangenheitin, Lefiya was an honor student at the School, levelling up after three years at eleven years of age. After graduating, she joined the Loki Familia at Level 2, and leveled up a year later.
Arcs Ray (アルクス・レイ): Arcs Ray feuert blast that can change trajectory to home in on its target.
Fusillade Fallarica (ヒュゼレイド・ファラーリカ): Fusillade Fallarica is a fire element wide area attack magic.
Elf Ring (エルフ・リング): Elf Ring is a summon burst that allows Lefiya to use any magic used by an Elf so long as she knows the chant and effects of said magic. It uses mind for the summon burst and for the magic used. If the Elf whose magic she's using has the development ability mage, the color of her own magic circle will change to match theirs while she's using their magic.
- Wynn Fimbulvetr (ウィン・フィンブルヴェトル): Riveria's ice magic. It blasts the opponent with an extremely cold blizzard and is said to freeze time as well as the enemy.
- Rea Laevateinn (レア・ラーヴァテイン): Riveria's wide area annihilation magic.
- Dio Grail (ディオ・グレイル): Filvis' barieren Magie. Es kreirt eine kreisförmige Bariere die weiß leuchtet und nur eine kurze Formel braucht.
Fairy Cannon (
Development Abilities[]
Mage (魔導): Mage improves the power of Lefiya's magic, widens effect range, and makes mind usage efficient. It also creates a golden yellow colored magic circle under her when she uses magic.
Abnormal Resistance (耐異常): Abnormal Resistance negates the effect of abnormalities such as poison.
- Lefiya erreichte Level 4 zwei Jahre nachdem sie Level 3 erreichte, aber sie entschied sich to postpone leveling up until she became stronger while still at Level 3.
- Lefiyas Mitbewohner ist Elfy Colette.