The fact that Aria is inside the dragon is not a bad theory I find it interesting
Aiz does not have Bell only for the sake of his power, but his way of acting his kindness, his purity, his honesty are also part of Ais's interest, as Rigel31415 said above his Larias freese le owes that to a person, Bell constantly thinks of his objective, to be hero and to be with Ais he will not be able to allow himself to die before having fulfilled his objective pushed by his exeptinel competence, Aiz is the heroine of Bell and Bell will become Aiz's hero like Albert was for Aria, it is clear that she does not understand her feelings for Bell because she never experienced these feelings there but in a fairly intense moment or Bell will be in danger death, or Aiz would be exposed to certain danger of death or Bell will make her heroic appearance and protect her, I have a very good chance of believing that they will share moments together or their relationship will develop as quickly as Larias freese, before the final battle, and Bell will have twice as much feelings for Aiz and will fight BDOE with incredible growth force, he will fight with all his soul desiring to give back to Aiz what was stolen from him, of course there will be a moment of despair during the fight there will be dead, that's for sure, but there will surely be a combined attack from Aiz and Bell together, or a skill gained by fighting with Aiz, or else combined the two attacks The argo vesta and the Lil rafaga , a devastating attack, I also dare imagine that they will both be 8/9 level (the only ones from Oarario)
At the rhythm of the history, no one is going to level up except the ones who had been in that level for years already. Since Ais just level up a few months ago there is still too much time before she even becomes Level 7. What she could do is use Avenger since using it makes her incredibly powerful, since she was able to fight against Revis who is supposed to be even stronger than Ottar so Revis must had been as strong as a low Level 8 or a high Level 7 at least.
Yes I imagine well, thank you for these details it is true that I had forgotten this point there, that Aiz has just Level up by dint of seeing Bell will progress as quickly I forget how much it requires effort, but yes with Avengers she become overpowered.
We can maybe imagine that Ais could develop an additional skill similar to that of Bell born from a deeply emotional moment, produced by Bell, but I have a little trouble with this idea there, Ais is already overpowered with Ariel + avengers i don't see why add a power up
Just a tip, when you are talking about theories, avoid using words like fact with them, it has the implication that you are trying to state something that is rather than theory. The same can be said for words like; is or are.
The fact that Aria is inside the dragon is not a bad theory I find it interesting - example- This sentence has an oxymoron in it, fact and theory are contrary word here, fact should be idea.
It would help with people, mostly me, not confusing you theories as something you are trying to state as fact.
The definition for Liaris Freese in English isn't that bad, granted the limits of English just can't convey the nuanced meaning Japanese can, but there is no real reason for the confusion that follows it around.
By definition, Continued desire results in continued growth, Stronger desire results in stronger growth.'
Continued desire makes the skill specific to something. If that specific desire ends, Liaris Freese loses its affect. Even with the mistranslation of desire and feelings, it still shouldn't be hard to figure out singular and non-plural nature of the description. For the skill to work something has to continue if that desire ceases so to would the effect. There is nothing in the description that supports the idea that the skill can bounce from different desires.
Continued feelings results in continued growth, Stronger feelings results in stronger growth.'
Edit: Actually I do know where some of the confusion comes from, people regularly forget that Bell obtains his drive to be worthy of standing next to Ais after he already had Liaris Freese and mistake his desire to become stronger as the desire/feelings tied to Liaris Freese.
Just a tip, when you are talking about theories, avoid using words like fact with them, it has the implication that you are trying to state something that is rather than theory. The same can be said for words like; is or are.
The fact that Aria is inside the dragon is not a bad theory I find it interesting - example- This sentence has an oxymoron in it, fact and theory are contrary word here, fact should be idea.
It would help with people, mostly me, not confusing you theories as something you are trying to state as fact.
You are right, I apologize for having expressed myself badly and I reiterate the nature of my text I will try to be more careful next time.
Aria in a dragon is a theory, stated by Rigiel previously so it cannot be interpreted as being a fact but an interesting theory.
Regarding Aiz it relates to some "fact" mix with MY theory fact example: Aiz does not understand these feelings, makes sense
Example on my theory: Aiz could develop a skill similar to bell (even if I believe very weakly)
But you are right I have used therms which are not relevant to what I meant, excuse me.
Still nothing. Angelo already said that we shouldn’t expect a release before Season 3 and at this rhythm it is the most probable thing.