The definition for Liaris Freese in English isn't that bad, granted the limits of English just can't convey the nuanced meaning Japanese can, but there is no real reason for the confusion that follows it around.
By definition, Continued desire results in continued growth, Stronger desire results in stronger growth.'
Continued desire makes the skill specific to something. If that specific desire ends, Liaris Freese loses its affect. Even with the mistranslation of desire and feelings, it still shouldn't be hard to figure out singular and non-plural nature of the description. For the skill to work something has to continue if that desire ceases so to would the effect. There is nothing in the description that supports the idea that the skill can bounce from different desires.
Continued feelings results in continued growth, Stronger feelings results in stronger growth.'
Edit: Actually I do know where some of the confusion comes from, people regularly forget that Bell obtains his drive to be worthy of standing next to Ais after he already had Liaris Freese and mistake his desire to become stronger as the desire/feelings tied to Liaris Freese.
Just a tip, when you are talking about theories, avoid using words like fact with them, it has the implication that you are trying to state something that is rather than theory. The same can be said for words like; is or are.
The fact that Aria is inside the dragon is not a bad theory I find it interesting - example- This sentence has an oxymoron in it, fact and theory are contrary word here, fact should be idea.
It would help with people, mostly me, not confusing you theories as something you are trying to state as fact.
You are right, I apologize for having expressed myself badly and I reiterate the nature of my text I will try to be more careful next time.
Aria in a dragon is a theory, stated by Rigiel previously so it cannot be interpreted as being a fact but an interesting theory.
Regarding Aiz it relates to some "fact" mix with MY theory fact example: Aiz does not understand these feelings, makes sense
Example on my theory: Aiz could develop a skill similar to bell (even if I believe very weakly)
But you are right I have used therms which are not relevant to what I meant, excuse me.
Still nothing. Angelo already said that we shouldn’t expect a release before Season 3 and at this rhythm it is the most probable thing.
Dbigal wrote: To High school dxd, time I got reincarnated as a slime(ends up a harem in webnovel), date a live and death march in another world I didn't read so I can't comment. In another world with my smartphone, infinite stratos and sekirei as far as I read they fit your equation. Arifureta on the other hand does not fit very well since the protagonist Hajime is only interested in Yue and never showed interest in a harem. (I may be wrong since I just read the beginning of the light novel and I don't remember it right - the manga and anime are much more advanced than I read on LN)
Sword art online and Rakudai kishi no cavalry don't fit your equation
Ps .: before calling someone a child I suggest you create an account and log in because it seems too immature and cowardly to call others a child while staying anonymous behind a temporary IP.
To fill in certain blanks: Date A Live didn't end in a harem and Shido definitely never desired or consented to one. At the end of the series, Shido chooses Tohka and confesses his love soley to her, and she's later reincarnated as a human while the other girls leave the human world. Arifureta originally didn't have a harem and Hajime was strongly opposed to it since he only desired Yue as his girlfriend (he also states that guys like that are indecisive idiots and playboys) but Yue coerces him into the idea and he eventually gives in. Infinite Stratos hasn't ended yet(it has one more volume to go but the author hasn't written in it for two years), but I doubt it will end in harem because Ichika is even denser than Bell and the girls in question are more ferociously possessive than Hestia, Lili, Freya and Syr(and due to the simple fact that Ichika doesn't want a harem).
I dropped Sekirei a long time ago, so I can't answer how it ended. Rising of the Shield Hero is certainly not ending in harem since Naofumi chose Raphtalia as of the current light novels and because of the horrible reception the optional harem ending of the original web novel received (the author actually created two endings for the web novel, one that ended with Raphtalia x Naofumi and the other that had Naofumi creating alternates of himself to give to his other admirers and Japanese fans unanimously abhorred that ending, so it was dropped).
As for the topic: It's plainly obvious that Bell is going to end up solely with Aiz. He's made his romantic intentions towards her blindingly clear since the beginning and she's the only person he explicitly expresses amorous feelings for. There is literally no reason at all that Oomori would end it in harem given how he's developed their relationship other than to shield himself from backlash from alternative shippers. And Bell himself told Finn that in his opinion, a Harem is nothing but trouble, so he's made it clear that it isn't what he wants as least twice in the series. And frankly, this desire for Bell to have a harem despite the narrative implications and the characters' own statements a sounds more like the anon's personal wish fulfillment than what the story indicates.