Yall must've been straight pimps at 14. Jeez hes a 14 year old adventurer xD wen in any reality did a 14 year old know what love was, was attracted to all women, and just could tell women to f*** off. I guarentee not a one of you could do that. Jeez if anything the writer view on bell is spot on. Now if he was 24 that would be a different story. But yall are expect a 14 year old to act like a grown ass man.
I wasn't a pimp at 14 but I know well that some of my friends and middle schoolers younger than me scoring some girls. But since is the world of danmachi (or in most fantasy shounen) age doesn't matter.
Not all boys are attracted to all women and they can tell a girl to piss off if they don't like them, there's nothing to be ashamed about it.
I kinda do expect for Bell to act mature, it's call character development. For a kid that ventures into the hostile and deadly dungeon, taking on advarasies levels higher than him, and being a leader of his own familia he should start learning to stand his ground against women that want to control him.