And they obviously won't, because j.c. staff can't adapt anything properly other than railgun.
I also kinda find it funny that some people above claimed that they focused on the main story for volume 8 in season 2, even though they skipped the most important arc for the next season : Syr's arc. That's the arc where bell first discovers the entry to knossos.
Yen Press said it's coming out in November 2020. I don't think they've got a specific date yet though.
Thanks you for the reply!
However, I reject the offered publication date and counter with . . .tomorrow as its release.
Amazon is now listing volume 15 available for pre-order with a release date of November 17.
Danmachi 16
^Yup! 10/15/2020 or 15/10/2020 or 2020/10/15 whatever format your country use, to make it simple October 15 of 2020 ?
So volume 16 is just comming out in October?? Then + the time someone translates it...and volume 15, but i heard v15 is mostly flashbacks....d*mn. The story is already progressing pretty slowly. There's also a decent amount of gore and people dying, but v13 just pissed me off how the MC was in such opposition to killing lunatic murderers.
Translation takes little time its just publisher that for some reason releasing vol. per year when they catch up instead right away when vol is out.(translation takes a month or less,depends on translator,it can take even just a week or two)