I do like to know your guys opinions about mistakes in series,I'll start with general mistakes in series.
1. Bell being and act like a harem MC despite author said he never wanted to make a harem series (if I am not wrong)
2. Waiting for the main heroine until the end and putting two annoying existence next to MC (at least it's a bad idea in my opinion, author should understand that it's quite annoying)
3. Enyo arc end? It was not bad but vol 12? It seemed cool when Bell's familia made an appearance not gonna live but why thou? It should have been better if this arc would be longer instead of this kind of ending.
4.power? I mean at first I thought characters would be really op since gods came to lower world but suddenly we seen appearance's of op characters (not to mention we saw them in game)
5. Albert being OP despite he was living before gods age and there is nothing we can say why he had such a great power.
Ok,you guys opinions?