Hello everyone, I'm here to let you all know that Special:Forum is being retired, with its content being migrated to Discussions in preparation for this Wiki's move to the Unified Community Platform. Discussions has new upgrades to accommodate Forum users when you move to Discussions, including an optional Condensed view that is more reminiscent of Forum as it exists today, displaying Discussions categories more prominently, usually one-at-a-time like Boards do now. This upgrade, including more upgrades to come, should hopefully allow you to use Discussions in largely the same way as you use Forum today.
That said, the change is not going to be 1:1. For example, while Discussions has a wide array of formatting options, it does not support wikitext. When the migration is happening, Forum will become read-only & thread content will come over nearly identically to the way it currently outputs in Forum (unless it's particularly complex), but new threads made in Discussions will not have the same capabilities as wikitext. Attempting to edit the migrated threads will break their formatting for this reason.
To make sure you can contribute somewhere at all times, Discussions will turn on when the migration process begins/Forum locks: just keep in mind that a Fandom account is required to post in Discussions, as you aren't able to contribute anonymously. Now, I'm sure there'll be questions, many of which have been answered in Thread:1746468 — feel free to take a look. If the answer you're looking for isn't there, ask me & I'll be happy to answer to the best of my ability.