This is something that I am actually quite curious about. If the makers of this series went back and did an updated version of this series in a similar way to how Hellsing Ultimate was handled would it be something that you would watch.
What I mean by an updated version of the series is one that not only adopts more material from the novels (Both the main series and SO) but one with episodes that are forty to sixty minutes long with consistently high production values.
Do you think that this would be something that fans of the series would really be interested in?
The series in my opinion is decent as it is now despite cutting out some interesting parts of the novels that I would have liked to see animated. But I would be willing to see what it would be like if done this way.
I would at least give the first two or three episodes a watch to see if I liked it compared to the current version of the series. But how about the rest of you? Would you give it a chance or would it not be something that you would find appealing?