72 Votes in Poll
Ais /bell vs ottar is not realistic
I chose Bell vs Hedin, but Ais/Bell vs Ottar is also a choice for me
@KronosSautos it says “what fight do we WANT to see happen in volume 18?” not “what fight do we THINK will happen in volume 18?”
I even voted on Ais/Bell vs Ottar just because it is something I WANT to see happen but probably won’t happen (Ais and Bell would still lose to Ottar but it would be massive development for Bell and finally fighting alongside Ais Wallenstein).
Bell vs Hedin is the obvious choice realisticly
But Ais and Bell vs Ottar is the most interesting fight and would be the more entertaining fight that is in the realm of happening within the wargame.
I always see Bell vs Hedin as a Master vs Student. Student stand up against a master who he had never felt had any chances of winning. It is also to show Bell's progress, skills and strategy in order to overcome a big obstacle worthy to claim as an achievement.
This is who I think the Freya Familia executives will fight in the War Game.
Gulliver Brothers: The Hostess of Fertility waitresses will fight them and win. Ryu will already be Lv5 after meeting Astrea, and the others will receive level boost.
Hogni: Tiona and Tione will probably fight him and win. But the twins will probably unable to continue fighting after this.
Hedin: Bell fight him but I doubt he can win by himself. Bell will solo against Hedin most of the time but eventually he will win after receiving help maybe from Ryu after she finishes fighting the Gulliver Brothers.
Allen: Bete will solo him at first but eventually loses. Ais will then have to fight Allen and defeats him.
Ottar: Finn, Riveria, Gareth and Ais will fight together against Ottar at first. Ais will later have to abandon fighting Ottar and move to fight Allen after Bete is defeated. After Ais leaves, Ottar eventually defeats Finn, Riveria and Gareth. Bell and Ais will fight together against Ottar in the end though I doubt it will be just the two of them against Ottar. Maybe some others will help after finish fighting the other executives and level boost will be given.
Who do u think Mia grand will fight?
She is a Freya familia member so she have to participate in the war game whether she hate it or not.
Let me know your thoughts!
I don't think Mia will get involved. I recall the novel mentioning that as a condition to "leave" the familia was not to get involve with whatever Freya's familia is doing. I recall she said something along the line of 'what did you get yourself into, stupid goddess'. However, I believe she will not stop her workers from involving in the wargame.
What do you think?