I don't believe Omori is "in a corner" storywise.
There is "charming", and then there is mass mind control. Something comparable to the latter was seen in DanMachi before - but not too much before - "Episode Freya" and the current "Freya Arc" were published. I refer to the Lightning Chain of Monster Control in The Tale of Argonaut. Ouranos's name translates roughly to "He-Who-Maketh-Rain". His deviousness, combined with the association between lightning and rain, makes it more than likely that he was the one who dropped it from the heavens in order to deceive the people of that time.
Isn't it convenient for the "god of the dungeon" that he was unaffected by the mass-mind control spellbomb that has been blamed on Freya? Isn't it even more convenient for him that it was released when it was, rather than even a month prior? The mass mind control soon gave way to mass confusion, and Evilus had military forces located deep enough to be out of range. It was only after Enyo hatched the "Second Evilus War" and these forces were moved to Knossos and then destroyed by the forces loyal to Orario and Ouranos that the mind control spellbomb happened. If Ouranos had used his spellbomb so much as a month earlier, when it had worn off and gave way to mass confusion, Evilus would have hatched their plan at that point, moving their forces from out-of-range locations in the Deep Floors and using those to destroy Orario. Whichever side "blinked" first would lose, and Ouranos managed to win that "staring contest" with Evilus, and the next order of business for him was to unleash the same magic behind his Lightning Chain of Monster Control. And he had the perfect one to blame the subsequent evil on: Freya.
So how did Ouranos pull that one off? Simple. He ended up finding out about Helun, and he ended up finding out about the fact that Helun disguises herself as Freya to stand in when Freya has to do something else. Ouranos knew that Freya was powerful enough to resist his mind control, so Ouranos waited for the next time that Freya left Orario and "Freya" was actually Helun, then he released his mind control spellbomb. And when the mind control chainlinks wore off this time, the predictable chaos ensued. Everybody is fighting amongst themselves. Everybody, or nearly everybody, is blaming Freya. A bunch of people are having a meaningless "war game" because of "Freya" right when the Black Dragon is undoubtably getting ready to launch the apocalypse that Albert and Aria successfully stopped 1,000 years ago. Ouranos has carefully laid out the chess pieces for 1,000 years, and they are now finally falling into place. The orgia planned by Ouranos for 1,000 years, which is going to make the "orgia" supposedly planned by Enyo look like a child's prank, has had its opening act right now. And it's just getting started.
This is what I believe that Mr. Omori is going to write in Volume 18. Or something very similar.