Bell has level 5 <stats> and is a level 4 who can fight as a level 6.
This was a translated tweet I found.
Bell has level 5 <stats> and is a level 4 who can fight as a level 6.
This was a translated tweet I found.
Might as well make Bell a level 10 at this point
I thought it was an interesting find. Either way, it explains why he injured Hedin during their most recent fight even though Hedin was holding back.
So, Bell at this point should be able to solo even a Gulliver brother.
This tweet was deleted and we already talked about it. The part about being able to fight as a Lv6 is what confuses people. Since it was deleted maybe this will be mentioned in Vol 18 and in a more clear way.
@Angelo Gabrini The author will either nerf the dragon or make Bell op for the story lol
Bell already is so op there's no need to nerfing the OEBD. If that tweet is true a level 8or 9 bell probably can defeat him
Even if Bell is OP the problem is that the OEBD is even more. Although we have already passed the 6 months mark, over half of what the story will last at most, Bell is still a Level 4. And each level up has taken Bell more and more time. Combine that with Oomori's comment that, if anything, he would like to slow Bell's growth rate and it doesn't seem promising.
If the story does last one year then Bell might not even reach Lv7
I'm sorry, but the whole thing about the story being finished in one year's time is dumb tbh.
There really isn't a reason to do something like that, just continue the story. I know he has already started working on his other series, but still. Now, if he plans to pack so much BS in this last half of the series that spans over 15 more volumes then that would be satisfying.
From what I can understand, people are trying to debunk it as a made up tweet from Oomori. Thinking about it, that post is more or less accurate.
What do you think?