I just want to grasp the chronological events, things and stuffs, timeframe of what happened between the Anime and Sword Oratoria Manga.
So, the first attacked of the LF to Knossos happened in Season 2 were several of the members got murdered inside Knossos. This did happened before Apollo attacked HF? Or after that?
The second attacked to Knossos by the LF in w/c they are all prepared happened between Season 3 and Season 4 of the Anime. Right?
The third attacked to Knossos by the LF to destroy the Demi Spirits happened in Season 4 and perhaps Season 5 befvore Freya charmed the whole City. Correct? Or before the Goddess festival?
Also, are the levels of the LF members got updated? Or are only Finn, Revilla and Garreth leveled up? It says on the Wiki here in the fandom that many members leveled up. I assume that Orba, Sharon, Arcus, Roll and Nick leveled up to 4. The bunny girl I think she level up to 3. Right?
Also, on the LF members list I did not see Meath on it... She is the girl who kinda look like Annakitty but Werewolf or perhaps a Renard version of her. I saw her multiple times in the SO Manga. She is always put in Bete's team and she looks like a strong character, she might be level 3 or 4. Though she got annihilated when her group entered the Demi Spirit chamber... I think she need to be added here.