Just announced: Volume 20 will be released on December 15th 2024, and SO Volume 15 on January 15th 2025.
Just announced: Volume 20 will be released on December 15th 2024, and SO Volume 15 on January 15th 2025.
Awesome! On both counts! Been checking to see when the news was coming for a bit now.
Finally, some new content!
Before, I would have been incredibly happy. Not anymore. :(
I truly cannot fathom being so obsessed with Freya Familia that you lose interest in the story because they got what was coming to them for crimes against humanity.
Never mind the fact that they got off absurdly easy.
Whatever, your loss.
Freya made people forget that Bell belonged to the Hestia family, that's all. Crimes against humanity. Something much worse would have to happen to call it that. The only thing that was hurt with the people was their pride, that's all. And especially the Loki family needed that. They are even more arrogant than the Freya family. Besides, it's not even about that. What bothers me is that the fight took place way too early. The fight should have taken place much later. To make it seem more believable. If the Hestia family and Bell had become stronger and had more people of their own.
Instead, the author expanded all of his rules so far that somehow it still worked out that the Freya family lost. Suddenly there was another level up. Very unbelievable. That's what bothers me. I read the story and there were so many mistakes in this fight. It is said that it was the Hestia familei vs Freya family. It was all the families except the Loki family vs the Freya family. Hestia Familia would have lost 100% on its own. The winning rules were also so unfair. The Hestai family and their allies must manage to capture Freya, while the Freya family must capture the leaders of the other Familia. Sorry but even the Loki family couldn't have won that. Not with such an unfair rule. Which the author just made up so that the Hestia family and their allies would somehow win. The whole fight was simply fake.
Everything should have been much more believable and real. Instead, it was a typical fight where the main character has to win simply because he is the main character. Dissolving the Freya family was also a completely stupid idea in the long run. For what is likely to come. Especially the future fight against the black-eyed dragon. In any case, it's not my loss. It's just another story that I abandoned due to a stupid decision by the author. I have also started writing my own sequel to Danmachi. How the Great Faction War would have realistically ended and beyond. If the author can't do it then I will complete the story as it should be without the author's stupid decision.
What I find interesting about Oomori's tweet, it could be a mistranslation, but it says "From volume 15 and volume 20 onwards, the main story and the side story will progress in tandem."
So what I think that's supposed to mean is the main series and SO will now be more directly linked to each other going forward, in the same vein as volume 19 and SO volume 13's release.
@InversePrime I think that's what it means, yeah.
@Tseng45 I agree that Hestia Familia's victory was implausible. The solution isn't to have FF win, though. The solution would've been to let Loki Familia participate. In which case FF would've been completely steamrolled and it would've made sense.
As for your claims that Volume 17 wasn't that bad, you're a known FF uberfan who excuses literally anything they do. But even so, I will let my own rewrite speak here.
'"Kindly allow me to recapitulate why this War Game is occurring." Finn once again raised his hand, all five fingers extended this time. "The goddess Freya had a raging lust for the boy Bell Cranel, which in itself is not so unusual. What is/was unusual is that Bell Cranel rejected her advances. Unable to do what every adult ought to be capable of and take 'no' for an answer, she then proceeded to launch an armed attack against the rest of the boy's Familia in broad daylight in the city streets, severely injure them, and hold them hostage with swords at their throat to force their goddess to comply with her desires. She then proceeded to forcibly mind-control the entirety of this city, you and me included, for a period of several weeks, while simultaneously altering our memories. This brainwashing was never voluntarily removed, but only broken by an external miracle; that is, Freya fully intended to manipulate the collective minds of the city's inhabitants indefinitely. A few people managed to evade the effects of the spell initially, or began to resist it. The ones that began to break free on their own had the brainwashing reapplied to them, with potentially harmful side effects to their own mental capacity. Those who escaped the effects altogether were hunted through the city streets like rabid dogs; at least one of them, Ms. Ryu Lyon, was captured and imprisoned in Folkvangr's basement. When she escaped, Freya Familia members came at her with full intent to murder her. Bell Cranel himself was subjected to weeks of what can only be described as mental and physical torture in an attempt to break him and turn him into a sex slave of Freya, since he would not go to her bed willingly."'
^ From my fic that I wrote as a direct reaction to Volume 18. The book pissed me off so much that I felt compelled to.
Why argue about Volume 18 on here? The volume was trash and that's that, move on. This isn't his first trash volume and it won't be his last lol.
"it won't be his last lol." I really don't want this to be true but it probably is. Gah.
I was responding to him saying that he couldn't enjoy anything about Danmachi anymore because of it. Which was foolish of me, yes, but if you've stopped caring completely, why are you still here?
"He couldn't enjoy anything about DanMachi anymore because of it"
Tbh, I get it. I mean I just watched season 5 get massacred in the very first episode lol. Already done watching it haha. I would be doing my valuable time a disservice with that trashy anime. Thank god Bleach will be airing.
I literally am just here to see how the series ends and that's about it. Seeing how many fuck ups Omori has will be at least somewhat entertaining as I wait for the end.
What do you think?