Van could occupy a place in that ranking, he could even be second after Ryuu and that would not solve Anya's problem. You say that she does not count because she left the Freya family and because retirement weakened her, well, we already clarified that retirement did not weaken her and she is still in great shape and although she is not an active member, all her combat skills were learned in Folkvangr, following the doctrine of the Einherjar. She would be like a graduate of a university that is no longer linked to the institution but learned everything they teach there.
So, Anya, a member of the Freya family by training although not by membership (which does not matter for this debate) is not the strongest of her level, which proves that Freya's adventurers are not necessarily stronger than anyone of other family.
Van's statement would serve to say that some members are stronger than their counterparts from other families, and from what was seen in the war game it is quite reasonable to say that most of its members are stronger than those of other families, as indicated in MS17 - 18 and in the episode Freya. But, it is also demonstrated that it is not a universal rule that applies to all cases.
All this started because your original comment was: "It's clear that whatever are Loki Familia adventurer norme for combat ability by level it's far inferior the norme of Freya Familia adventurer", arguing that in the mentioned volumes it was said that any member of another family (Loki included) would be inferior to them. A generalization that at least regarding the Loki trio there is no evidence that it applies.
I don't understand why you think that Tsubaki's defeat at the hands of Hogni proves that Freya is superior, Hogni has more level, experience and is a pure warrior, Tsubaki, although she knows how to fight, is still a professional blacksmith. Hogni's victory is the most natural result but that doesn't prove that if he faces another level 6 who is also a pure warrior he will win.
You are right in one thing and that is that the Loki trio has lacked worthy opponents that allow them to demonstrate their ability as warriors, unfortunate for not having antagonists available to use in the plots. But Omori's position has been ambiguous in this regard, deliberately avoiding any precision between who is better than who among the elites of Orario.
You also didn't answer the question of Aisha, we saw how Ottar was defeated by 3~4 who were one level below him, being him better than all of them, therefore, even if Aisha was level 5, 2 or 3 level 4 of Freya should be able to defeat her, especially if they are better than her, why didn't that happen? To me personally it seems clear that it was because she is better than them.
I remind you that the Einherjar have no problem attacking several of them to the same opponent, even if they do it in a disorganized manner, as they did against Ryuu.
I speak of partial victory because Aisha landed a blow that left him momentarily knocked out. It is not a great excuse to say that it was because he was "disturbed." Maintaining concentration is an indispensable virtue for a warrior who prides himself on being "better than anyone else." And no, Alfrigg was not weakened. In the whole battle, the only blow they had been able to give him was the explosion of the magic sword that sent him flying, which is not much. Don't take away Aisha's merit!
Then when he got up and Aisha, Lunor and Chloe (3 level 5, not 4 as you said) couldn't defeat him it was a plot armor, if he had such power why didn't he use it from the beginning and finish them off to avoid complications? Inexplicably he became much more powerful than moments before, as if he had become a super saiyan XD! Maybe he has an ability that makes him stronger when his 3 brothers have fallen but that's speculation.
On the other hand, you oppose the idea that Bell's power now remains at its real level, it would certainly be conflicting if Aki was as powerful as him as soon as they both reached level 5, but for Bell to be stronger than her he doesn't necessarily have to be a level 6, it would be enough to be the strongest at his level but staying at this one, there's no need to overstate things for that effect.
So that's why you insisted that Van has an ability that raises him to level 5, I didn't understand why, I was about to think that you were a radical fanatic of Freya. I honestly don't see it as that complicated, Bell stopped using Ais's teachings because he doubted that they were real and when he verified that they were, he became much more powerful to the point of managing to hit Hedin, something he hadn't been able to do until that moment. It's a simple symbolism that Ais' love strengthens him, something simpler and easier to fit into the plot than the fact that Van has an ability worthy of the captain of his family being a simple middle manager.