I saw her actions but was the punishment too light in everyone’s opinion or did she merit a harsher one.
I saw her actions but was the punishment too light in everyone’s opinion or did she merit a harsher one.
I've seen different opinion on that. Some wanted her dead, other thought it was fair enough.
I personally liked Freya a lot, probably one of the most complex and well written characters. So to me the punishment that she would get in the end does not really matter, as long as it was consistent with everything else.
If she was sent back to heaven, we don't know what would happen to all the high level adventurers of her Familia. So, I guess keeping her around was just to also keep them around as Orario will need them later on. It was the most logical choice.
It's not like she just got slapped & it was all over, she's still amending herself by doing community service & who know how long it could last, working for centuries or millennia is not exactly an enviable fate.
Beside in volume 8, Ares' actions were clearly said serious enough to desever to be send back but wasn't because of the negative impact it would have on the childrend living in Rakia. So not sending Freya back to heaven wasn't a bad decision, it just shows that the Gods prioritize the safety of the Lower World having still to be deal with OEBD over their own personal grudges.
I am amazed though in how the children of Loki kept their composure and emotions in how Freya treated them.
Emiya, that is known as plot convenience, both Loki and her children were so upset with Freya that they attacked Folkvangr but since Omori didn't want any of them to participate in the wargame, he magically made their anger go away.
I am glad that Loki didn’t participate in the War Game it would’ve been a bloodbath.
The thing she did to them was personal and dishonorable the actual fight would caused casualties in both sides.
An unbelievably light punishment. She did the same thing Apollo did, but worse, and was given a mockery of a punishment. She got a Princess Pass. She literally got off because "she's a girl". It's insulting. So very many things wrong with Volume 18, and that's a big one.
And anyone that says "she WAS punished harshly, her Familia was disbanded" is full of it. The whole point that Oomori made in the Freya Arc was that she supposedly hated all of the responsibility of running a big Familia and living her glamorous and powerful life. Living full time as Syr is a REWARD for her.
It's not like there was a good solution from the start, Freya has to important role & her personnality is to volatile for any form punishment other than Bell rejection could be effective without having counter productive effects.
Yes. Its an unbelievably light punishment.
She was effectively a successful Apollo or Ishtar and we saw how they got punished. But when it come to Freya, the worse punishment is making her be her favorite roleplay for the rest of her time on Genkai.
And breaking up her Familia isn't really a punishment. Because the reason she become Syr in the first place was because she was bored of her Familia.
In my opinion she was unsuited in leading a Familia in the first place.
The members are dysfunctional and have no unity towards each other and obsessed to the point to kill their own people to get attention from Freya.
The Freya arc disturbed me in their behavior the Loki Familia stand by their members and help each other at least.
I wouldn’t be caught dead joining such a Familia in my opinion.
What do you think?