I saw that someone said the arcs that are left are rest of Freya arc, Ais arc, and OEBD arc. Now I don't know if he was just talking about MAJOR arcs that are left or overall arcs that are left.
I know that people think there will be an arc where Bell will defeat Asterius, but to be honest for the OEBD arc I think they will need Asterius for that fight. So the author might have to a sequel series that only is about going to the deepest part of the dungeon. That can be when Bell needs a level up and to do that he will have to defeat Asterius.
I also wonder if that comment about these being the last arcs are true because I don't think we will have an arc about exploring the deepest parts of the dungeon until a sequel series. Why? While I don't know all the knowledge in the world about Zeus and Hera familia but they didn't even go to the deepest depths of the dungeon and instead tried doing the 3 great quest while they where still around. That makes me wonder if the Loki, Hestia, Frey familias will do the same thing instead and try to defeat the OEBD before finishing the dungeon floors.
Unless they start to go deeper into the dungeon floors during Ais arc which I think her arc will be mostly an expedition with the Hestia familia. Her arc will consist of going in depth on her past and Bell trying to fix Ais mental state (which will need to happen if she wants to truly defeat the OEBD). The only way Bell will fix that probably is to become her hero and I think that also could happen fighting extremely difficult enemies with the Loki familia on an expedition in the deepest floors. I don't think Bell would become her hero during the OEBD arc because I think Ais and Bell will be on the same level and have the same motivation to defeat the dragon during that arc. It also would resemble Ais parents than, because Albert was already Arias hero before the fight with the OEBD.
Ais arc would lead into the OEBD arc, since Bell will now know Ais past and will want to make sure her dream comes true to defeat the OEBD. Bell also might know more about his past at this point too. Both Ais and Bell actually have extremely similar backgrounds, Both of Bells parents respected familias where wiped out by the dragon same as Ais and both where orphans at a very young age thanks to the dragon. But the difference is Ais parents where the strongest of there time and Bells parents where the weakest for there respected familas. I think this shared connection and probablythey will lose some important figures in there lives during the OEBD fight. This will push these two to another level and defeat the dragon by landing the final blow together.
With these arcs and assuming they take up 3-4 volumes each (3-4 volumes because these two arcs are the most important arcs of the entire series)...that still only puts us up to 24-26 volumes and I swear I saw somewhere that the author wants to do 30 volumes. What are some peoples thoughts on what is left for arcs and how do you think they will go?