Needed to make this meme cuz is canon.
Deleted this image on my telephone after i made the meme
Needed to make this meme cuz is canon.
Deleted this image on my telephone after i made the meme
Hestia confirms, again, that Ais is the power source of Liaris Freese. I also Liked the part with Loki saying "that girl is tied down by oaths more than anyone". Loki obviously doesn't know this, but that is another parallel drawn between Ais and Bell, both always honor every vow/oath they make. Cool parallel imo.
Allen questions why Freya kept the sword princess out of the wargame even though she was willing to defeat anyone that opposed her.
Nice connection (for once this time) Omori drew with the whole Ais oath and vow that she made and kept her from helping Bell. Ottar said that "her sword would rot away" if she went against the oath she had made. I said this is a nice connection because in SO, we find out that Ais picked up the sword because her hero never came to her and she had to be the one to avenge her fathers death and take back her mother, so hence why she wields the sword in the first place. So basically, if she broke that oath she had made to Freya and Ottar, she was giving up on and or even weakening her resolve on why she picked up the sword in the first place. Ais top priority in her life is avenging her dead father and taking back her mother, Ais is not a simp. Bell is important to her, yes, but he does not take top priority in her life right now. Eventually he will, but Bell has to earn that spot, which obviously he isn't even remotely close to that yet (he has proven nothing to Ais yet). imo, Bell is just a boy to Ais and not a reliable MAN to her yet.
Bells reaction to the entire Ais thing is actually kind of funny because he just simply didn't care. He said that he had heard that Ais had her reasons and that he was sure that she will be cheering them on (which was correct, well, sorta, mainly cheering Bell on heavily lmao). He even goes as far as to say that he will be fine because Ais's teachings will be with him during the wargame (they are firmly rooted deeply into his heart, he said). This also proved my prediction that the favor was solely meant for Ais and ONLY Ais. It was never meant to effect Bell in any kind of way, it was solely meant to effect Ais (and to show how jealous Freya is of Ais and the position she, Ais, holds in Bells heart).
Ais reaction to Bell fighting in the wargame and getting hurt.
I personally believe this shows that Freya truly did fall in love with Bell. It also shows that even with the authority that Freya has (especially with her charm), that Bell cant be bent towards any other direction besides towards the one he yearns for, Ais. There is also a paragraph I will add below it where Bell was talking to Ryuu and it said that Bell wasn't in the wrong when he followed Welf's advice, and at that moment, he chose his aspiration (Ais). Then it goes onto say Freya was in the wrong.
Overall, it was okay. I mainly just wanted to look at the more hot button topics in the book like these ones and I think it was more direct than what people made it sound like from the JP spoilers.
If Bell traveled through time and stopped before hestia was descended, would the falna lose its effect and the statuses go back to before he had falna like what happens with gods who return to tenkai or would it gradually lose its effect? and also if bell goes back in time just before hestia introduced him as a member??
I just binged Danmachi's anime and I just need to know, who does Bell end up with? Hestia or Ryu? If its Hestia, I am going to lose my mind! Bell has to be feeling more for Ryu than Hestia now, there is just no way Hestia is in this thing anymore right? I'm fine with spoilers since I do know some by accident.
84 Votes in Poll
So, I'm sure this has been posted a million times already, but I'd like to share some theories about what could/should happen in the Vol 18 Wargame arc and would love to hear some of your theories too.
Basically Bell/Hestia Familia will end up winning. It needs to happen for Bell to take top spot in Orario and keep carrying on as the hero. The question really is how it will happen.
This is fairly long so bear with me.
My theory of roughly how it will likely play out is:
· Bell will rank up to level 5 right at the start of the book (since he could after the expedition and his stats are now maxed out)
· Hestia Familia will be joined in alliance with Loki, Hephaestus, Miach, Take and Hermes
· All the tier 1 and 2 fighters will spend their time training Bell to make him stronger while the gods work on delaying the wargame for as long as possible
· A bunch of drama / smaller conflicts will happen while this goes on, but ultimately Bell will be close to SS rank on all stats by the start of the wargame
· Freya will cash in her favour with Ais by telling her to break Bell's heart before the fight, with a threat to take it out on Loki Familia (via her charm) if she tries to back out, with the idea being to weaken his resolve going into the fight
· Ais does it since she can't think of a way out of it and does it outside where Freya can watch from her tower and Alan/Hedin watch from nearby. But Bell sees through it as Freya's manipulation due to all the eyes watching them so goes into the fight pissed and more determined rather than broken
· The wargame starts with both Bell and Ottar staying back (since they are the captains and need to stay safe) and it is fairly even
· After a while Ottar joins the fight and starts wrecking shop forcing Bell to join the fight too.
· Naturally Ottar is too strong for Bell at level 5. The fight escalates and the alliance starts to lose, with Freya familia getting more violent in the battles
· The escalating violence basically 'triggers' Bell and he goes limit off like never before and fights Ottar in a battle that make everyone else just stop and watch (like when he fought Asterios). All on the battlefield, those in Orario and around the world watch the fight in awe.
· Then Bell manages to just scrape a win and is officially named Orario's strongest
· After the fight Bell ranks up to level 6
· Hestia takes Freya for all she is worth but leaves her actual sentence to Bell, but it leaves that until book 19
That is more or less how I expect it to go, and it would be awesome if it goes that way. But it seems a bit safe. We all want Bell to stand out on top of all so I think a more extreme result would be better. This is what I 'want' to see happen:
· It starts the same as above with Bell hitting level 5 and the familias joining forces
· However, when Hermes joins the alliance (during a denatis in front of all the gods) he gets pressured into saying why he is not being neutral, and why he is so focused on Bell
· Hermes then declares that Bell is the hero of the age who would slay the Black Dragon, so he was too important to become Freya's plaything. All the gods are shocked with some laughing it off, while for many more it's likely true and the news starts spreading around Orario
· The training with the Tier 1 and 2 adventurers starts, but with the original plan being to hide his progress (like by training in the dungeon) until Cassandra pipes up and saying that it should be where Freya can see
· Most people dismiss it, and she gets depressed, but afterwards Finn and the Gods ask her about it and to tell them about the dream she had, saying that Freya had to see the training and that it had to be with Women. Finn and the others go along with it (since it's not hard to work out why this would matter) and the training happens up on the wall with just women
· At around this time Cassandra also secretly asks Welf to make a specific item for Bell. Welf doesn't believe the dream perspective, but after what happened with the Goliath scarf on the expedition, he chooses to trust her on it
· The training starts up on the walls with Freya watching. Naturally she gets jealous of all the women around him. After a few days she acts on it by calling in her favour to Ais and makes her break Bell’s heart
· After that Bell vanishes and isn't seen again until the start of the wargame. We have an interlude-style chapter of everyone’s reactions to this, then it cuts to the start of the wargame
· The wargame starts with Freya familia standing there waiting for it to start but then see Bell walking towards them by himself. This throws them since it makes no sense why they would risk him, especially since Finn was on the other side and wouldn’t agree to such a risk
· While they're still discussing it all Alan gets pissed and just charges Bell. Bell reacts faster than he can even see and punches him the guts so hard he just collapses. Everyone on the battlefield and watching remote are silent as Bell just one-shots a Lvl 6 tier 1
· Bell picks Alan up with 1 hand and his spear in the other, gives it a quick Argonaut charge and smashes it into him to send him flying hundreds of meters out of the wargame area then starts walking towards Freya familia again
· Freya familia start to realise they may be in trouble, while all the gods back in Orario start getting excited once they realise what is about to happen, with Loki basically drooling about it
· Bell keeps walking and starts shooting firebolts at the front lines and breaks through the lines
· He charges a 20-30sec Argo firebolt and shoots it straight down the middle at Ottar. Ottar sees it coming so jumps out in front of his familia to intercept it with his sword in a big slice, splits it down the middle but it still hits those behind him
· But before Ottar’s sword has even hit the ground in his slice Bell comes charging through the fire faster than anyone can see and hits Ottar in the face with an Argo-boosted spinning kick and sends him flying right out the back line
· Bell lands right in the middle of Freya familia, takes out the healers and sends them flying too. All of this before anyone else even sees what is going on let alone react
· They all engage Bell in a fight but can't touch him
· Ottar recovers and goes beast mode then joins the fight too but also can't hit Bell
· They treat him like a floor boss after this and setup mage spells with shield walls all around Bell while the Tier 1 fighters try to keep him busy. Once the mages are ready to fire, they all jump back, and the spells all hit Bell who doesn't even try to move out of the way
· The bombardment keeps piling on and it's utter devastation. Once the barrage stops it takes a while for the dust to clear, with everyone there and in Orario waiting with bated breath
· Once the dust clears, they see Bell standing there fine with a magical barrier around himself. He's holding a magic dagger/knife. It then flashes back to the conversation between Cassandra and Welf and we find out that this is what she wanted him to make. An unbreakable magic blade that cast defensive magic
· Flash back to the fight and everyone sees that Bell's other hand is holding the Hestia knife and his fist is glowing. He charged for a full 2 minutes while the spells hit, and the dust cleared
· He says something like 'my turn', dispels the shield, stabs Hestia knife into the ground and fires his firebolt before anyone can react at all
· By shooting it into the ground he spread the magic from a straight-line attack into a devastating wide-area explosion like a volcano and blows everyone away but without killing anyone
· Cut to the reactions of the alliance and everyone in Orario being completely stunned
· After the smoke clears the only people still standing are Bell and Ottar (who got his sword up in time), and they’re standing in the bottom of massive crater
· Bell then talks to Ottar and those watching from Orario, and gives a message/warning to anyone else who would come after him, Hestia, his Familia, his friends or allies, that everything up to that point had been him holding back
· Ottar feels fear in battle for the first time since Zeus/Hera were defeated
· Before anyone can process what Bell just said he attacks and completely lays into Ottar with speed and strength no one can comprehend. Speeding all around Ottar (dragonball or one-for-all-100% style) and completely destroys him. Breaks just about every bone in his body and knocks him out cold
· The fight is over, and Bell is recognised as the strongest in the world
· Hestia gives Freya a lecture about her actions and how she drove Bell to this, then takes her for all she's worth. She then tells her that Bell will determine her fate
· Loki then rubs salt in her wounds saying that she did all of this to try and claim Bell and that he was the one that brought it all crashing down for her, laughing the whole time
· Bell walks back to alliance while they all just stare at him in awe. The commentators then talk about Hermes crazy declaration weeks earlier about Bell being the hero of the age and how they’re now starting to believe it too.
· It cuts to scenes around Orario and around the world for everyone’s reactions. Including Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Ares, Poseidon, and many other gods, where they are around the world, and also the Kali Familia as they admire the strongest man in the world
· For the next chapter it then moves back to their home with all members of the alliance present and Bell tells them where he was and what he did
· He knew after the first day of training that it wouldn't be enough. He needed to reach level 6 and gain a new powerful skill to stand any chance against Ottar
· Since he has levelled up quickly so many times and gained many skills/abilities he has a basic idea of how it works so knows that to get that sort of skill he will need to meet certain requirements and put himself through hell to do it
· More than that, he knew that in order to beat someone like Ottar he needed to train with someone as strong or stronger than Ottar. That night he contacted Fels using an Oculus asking him to setup a meeting with Asterios
· Cut to the morning before Ais broke his heart to him getting a response from Fels to say that Asterios agreed to the meeting. Cut forward to later that night after Ais has broken his heart to Bell walking towards Babel hurt and lost in thought
· He knows what he needs to do but knows no one would approve, and he also has no supplies. As he's lost in thought he comes face-to-face with Cassandra at the bottom of the stairs in Babel leading to the dungeon first floor. She tells him a dream sent her there and she gives him a backpack full of supplies as well as several empty ones. She also gives him the item she had Welf make. Bell thanks her and heads into the dungeon
· Cut to Bell meeting with Fels, Asterios and the other Xenos. He explains to Asterios what is going on, and tells him that if they fight now, or if he loses the wargame and he becomes Freya’s plaything, they will never be able to have their epic battle to the death that they both want. He then asks Asterios to train with him and he agrees
· They then train together day and night for a week taking only the shortest of breaks possible before changing things up. They move from training in one spot to fighting each other on the move, with the Xenos and Fels as supporters (using the extra empty backpacks for drop items and magic stones).
· They fight each other all the way to the boss room on the 37th floor then Bell solos Udaeus. He could have finished it quickly with Argo Vesta but dragged it out to get the sword drop (the full 6m long version, not a shard)
· They then fight their way back up through the floors and when the reach the water capital Amphisbaena shows up. Bell uses the black sword to slice off both heads at once, grabs the drop items and then keeps going
· They keep fighting up to floor 20, then he splits with the Xenos. Fels keeps working as supporter up to the surface (since it's the middle of the night). They part ways and Bell heads home
· While they’re on their way back Goliath shows up, so Bell bisects him with the big sword too, bringing his solo-boss count to 3
· Hestia is asleep alone waiting for him in the living room, so he wakes her up. She freaks out about him being gone and bursts into tears.
· She then updates his status, tells him he ranked up and gained a new skill. One similar to the Slayer skill but that isn’t limited to just monsters. One that boosts his abilities based on the strength of his opponent and stacks the boost for each additional opponent. Effectively making him completely overpowered when taking on impossible odds, such as a monster party or all of an entire Familia at once
· He then thanks Hestia, tells her everything will be OK, leaves and runs straight out of Orario and to the place where the wargame is to happen. Arriving not long before it starts, he tells everyone that he plans to face Freya familia alone.
· After hearing the story everyone is naturally shocked. Lily and Hestia, both in tears, yell at Bell for risking his life so badly and making them all worry while everyone else watches.
· Ais is sitting off to the side silent and lost in thought, remembering the look on Bell’s face as she broke his heart, the incredible lengths he went through to get stronger, realising that he was now so far ahead of her that she will never be able to catch up, and trying to understand her own feelings. There's some further discussions after this
· Then in the epilogue it's an internal monologue from Freya about how she’s made one mistake after another and how everything has fallen down around her, and ends with her walking into one of the sound-proof rooms at the Guild to face Bell, while a crowd of their Familia members and the general public wait outside. The outcome of their talk and the fallout from the wargame (and the Ais/Bell arc) would then be in book 19.
Anyway, I know I've completely overthought all of that but I can't really help it. Of those 2 options I think the first is probably closest to what would happen, but I'm hoping for something like the second. I want to see Bell stand out on top of everyone as the strongest, and for everyone to realise he's the hero of the age. And yes, I know the chances of Asterios agreeing to train with Bell is close to zero, but it would still be cool. An evenly matched battle that comes down to a very close win is more in line with the rest of the Danmachi, which is exactly why I think changing it up with a one-sided thumping that blind-sides everyone would be a good change.
I also considered what kind of skill or spell Bell could gain that could give him the edge against Ottar. He could have gained a new enchantment-type spell, maybe something like ‘Ignite Vesta’ that would cover him in flames and give him a big boost in strength and speed, but I figured it was too close to what both Ais and Bete can do with magic. It seems more in line with who Bell is that he’d get a boost skill, especially if it is named after a hero. Like he already has ‘Heroic Desire: Argonaut’, named after the first hero, so it wouldn’t would be a stretch for him to get something like ‘Heroic Conquest: Waldstein’, named after the greatest hero. One to turn the tables in battle and one to allow him to face and overcome impossible odds in battle.
I also think Bell will find out about Zeus in book 19 after the wargame, and that he, Hestia, Hermes and Asfi will go on a trip to see him. I also think they’ll take Lyuu with them since they’ll be (hopefully) heading close to where Astrea lives and then she’ll rank up to level 5 and transfer into Hestia Familia. And also at some point in 19 or 20 I think Bell will save Loki Familia from an enhanced/irregular in the dungeon (and likely hit level 7). One too strong even for them to face. And then Ais would finally see Bell as the hero she’s been longing for.
What are your thoughts on this?
So just putting this out there. We know in the Danmachi universe everyone dies, their souls are cleaned and are eventually reincarnated. It could be days, years or thousands of years, but it will eventually happen.
So my question on that is, when a soul is cleaned is anything carried over? Are the reincarnated souls completely blank slates or do they carry over some part of the previous life's core being? Hestia mentions that she would recognise Bell's soul if he was reincarnated so I'd assume there is some sort of carry-over.
So my next question on this is, what happened to the souls of the ancient heroes? If an ancient hero reincarnated would they be heroic in their next life? If so, do you think it's possible that Bell is a reincarnated ancient hero? Such as maybe Argonaut?
Hey guys, so I have a question about this kingdom. We know that it's famous for its magic and being one the most powerful kingdoms out there, but has there been any information about which god is its patron deity?
I mean of course the first that comes to my mind is Athena because of the name resemblance. Which would be logical since Athena in Greek mythology was well... if you know you know. But at the same time Omori sometimes takes more liberties with the deities and their original personalities or sometimes he is more faithful to it, which both are fine.
And about Athena well, she has only been mentioned for being one the the three major virgin goddesses along with Artemis and Hestia. But at the same time I think it has never been said if she even came to the lower world so all this is just speculation. But since most of the greek pantheon came like Zeus, Hera, Hermes, Demeter, Ares, Hephaestus, Poseidon, Apollo, Dionysus (and well about Aphrodite and Artemis I leave it to your consideration because we even have their designs but you know, please tell me your opinion of these goddesses in the series) and even Hestia came, then why not Athena?
Anyway, one of the reasons I brought these up is because, I want to know do you think this kingdom will a play part at some point on the main plot? Or maybe on the side story? I would love to know your opinion, and let's remember, Fels lived in Altena so maybe we'll get to know more about him/her if this does happen. And if Athena is the patron god of Altena and therefore goddess of Fels, why did she destroy the immortality stone? Unless, Athena also has deities that help her like Ares with Phobos.
Oh and if it isn't Athena, then have no idea of which god would be, maybe one associated with Magic like Isis from Egyptian mythology, or Hecate from the Greek, or maybe even Odin from the Norse; though like I said most probably will be Athena.
Please tell me what you think about this down below ;)
32 Votes in Poll
Freya has finally done it, she finally put to motion the plan she had to kidnap Bell from Hestia, while their was a hiccup in her plan, she adapted it by changing the memories of everyone in Oranio to bend to her will, but this is in vain
Bell can never love anyone but Ais (though personally, I prefer him being with someone like Haruhime) and that won't change no matter how you try to brainwash him
Freya can change everyone's memories, she can threaten to kill everyone Bell cares about, she can even lock him in a cage with nowhere to go, but in the end, Freya wants Bell to fall for her as a woman, but that will never happen, her plan was doomed from the start, and I think she's slowly realizing this as well and it's destroying her since she cannot handle this kind of rejection
Freya did everything she can to get Bell, but she is no closer than when she started, if not further away as I'm sure this would only motivate Bell to stay away from her after this is resolved somehow, and Freya in the end will be destroyed because of it, heck, I think in her madness, she'd order her familiar to kill everyone in Oranio in a blind rage, or in her blind rage, use her Arcanum to do it, so she can get Bell's soul, if she can't have him, nobody can
Well guys, looks like we reached the end of this incredible season. And all there's left is an OVA (more hot tubs in the spa that is) coming next Spring!
Hope y'all are prepared!
What do you think of the season so far?
Excited for the OVA?
Hope y'all have a spirit Friday
And Merry Christmas, Adventurers one and all!
Because Hestia is nothing but a freaking idiot when it comes to Bell. Especially his relationship with Ais. Most of the time she is going ga ga over Bell. When she is not doing that she is arguing with Lili. Or ruining Bell and Ais moments. Like in Volume 5 and Volume 8. She would have ruined Bell and Ais' dance in Volume 6 if it wasn't for Hermes and Asfi. It's freaking tired and annoying. I mean all she is good for is updating stats and going to the God meetings.
When she is not around Bell. With the other gods. Like banishing Apollo, talking to Loki about Dionysus and drop kicking Hermes. Actually looking after her children. Like telling her children she would take the blame during the Xenos arc. She is great. But scenes like these are very rare. Really drag her character down for me.
So who else wants Hestia to back the f***k off from Bell Cranel and Ais Wallenstein?
Is It known the size of the boobs waist and hip of Hestia, I've been searching for it for a long time but I've never found any of her sizes, can someone pls tell me if is known, and the size of it.
Hestia may be considered an obscure Goddess, especially next to gods like Loki and Demeter... but did you know that Hestia's the one responsible for Wonder Woman's 'Lasso of Truth'... also known as 'the Lasso of Hestia'!