I would buy the books but I have literally no money (no joke literally Zero) and no one I know has the books.
Im currently reading through the synopsis for the LN on here. I dont want to base it on the actual story line as I just want it to be another story in the world and also there is going to be about 3-4 people playing so a single character story line is no good; Its not going to be at the same time that bell's story is playing out either.
Everything else im basing as closely as possible to what is in the LN and anime, im scrubbing through the anime to map out area's, other than the dungeon because that would be a pain, im just doing that relatively randomly other than ones i can map out accurately like the 24th dungeon as a map was shown in the lastest episode of sword of oratoria.
I was going to put up main things like, character sheet template, maps, the dice system i've been working on for it; and lists of things like items, monsters, people, random events (for things happening in the dungeon like monsters roaming to different floors and other unfortunate events that happen in a dungeon), skills, abilities ect, all with things like health, dmg and what not so that people can have the bare bones for a game and write their own story, or ill upload the story im doing aswell with minor changes (depending how it goes with my group) so people can just kind of jump in, create a character, choose a god and start their adventure.
I was only thinking of putting it up becuase i googled around and couldn't find a premade one but saw quite a few things of people asking, so thought it could be a good start, it might not be great but if other people find it they're free to tweek things to fix any errors i may have made or balance the game a little better. obviously with things like development abilities, skills and magic, not all are known so i will have to make up some of these to suit the characters that my group play and i imagine more people would have to add to that list if they played it.
It's going to be played as adventurers, and an incipient familia that has only 1 member who joined a little whiles prior to the new people (only because i wanna enjoy the world a bit) the god/goddess has only come down from heaven recently.
I think that about answers everything?