I think perhaps that more members isn't as great an idea as people may think. More members means more backstory, more writing, more interactions and that stuff can only really be spread so thinly to the point you'd just have pointless characters joining.
I'm sure there will be a couple more since right now the Hestia Familia lacks in the level 3+ area and Ryuu has always seemed a likely choice for this since she is already a well established character with a good backstory. But there isn't many more characters that are that convenient for it, since just being 3+ isn't enough, there would need to be some motivation or reason for any already established characters to switch over.
If it isn't established characters then it needs to be new characters and just pulling character out of the backside to fill the gap would not be good for the main familiar of the storyline. So again goes back to requiring backstory, set-up and implementation. Overall I doubt there will be space for more than 3 real familia members, anything more than that will create trash characters there just for atmosphere (or whatever).
I think I am still along the lines of anything to deeper floors will be done with aliances with Rank S familia. The Hestia familia is actually really well set-up to be acting as a support to another familia in this way that Bell is an Elite fighter, Welf is a smith, Mikoto has a crowd control and Haruhime has OPed support magic. Lili is then supporting the supporter familia and organizing them.
It's like playing an MMO in a guild event where the lower levels and subs are kept to a side party ready to step in for whatever reason
Is it really that surprising? I mean aren't half the questions asked usually easily answered by just reading the wiki or duplicates of other question/threads? I'm seeing two threads about Ais' age on 1st page right now... </derail>
wouldn't that mean bell is ais's dad or am i just being dumfounded
No, it'd mean that Bell is the Reincarnation of Ais' father. Same Soul but different body, memories, feelings, etc.
As far as I'm aware (been a bit out the loop), it is still just a theory that Bell is Albert's reincarnation.
Can Bell reach past level 6? Definitely
Will Bell reach past level 6? Probably not. At least not in the story, at most I suspect he'll reach level 7 AFTER(gained from) the final confrontation. Bell has already been shown to be stronger than his level, having him hit the highest known level would make him undoubtably the strongest adventurer around and that I do not think would work with the way that Danmachi does. Bell is a powerful underdog with abilities that thrust him up to higher tiers. More so Uchide no Kozuchi makes it more unlikely, since Bell boosted from level 7 to level 8... it'd kill off a lot of potential ways the story could go if Bell could become that powerful.
You never need to answer all the questions, answering all the questions makes things a bit too final. If we knew everything about the universe... the universe would become pretty boring...
And I was stating that we don't know if in Bell's case that it needs to wait a year or not. Sure there is a rule but without knowing the reason behind that rule it is hard to say. It could be that it is just physically impossible, in which case it could affect Bell where as it could be just to stop adventurers from swapping familia to willy nilly. Or to stop gods trading adventurers as such.
You're the one that dragged it out by quoting a rule, yes it states after conversion but it doesn't clarify or state any expections on joining the initial familia. Also there is still the question over, if Hestia familia was really Bell's first familia too or if Bell may have been born into the Zeus familia.
that just states there is a rule, not the reason for it.
I think they are both arrogant and misunderstood at the same time, if we are talking about both Accelerator and Bete And thus both a victim of their personal circumstances. Anyways, sticking to Bete, he lost a lot of friends/family/etc, so he probably learnt to distance himself from people somewhat and blamed his and his allies weaknesses for their deaths. As such he has no sympathy for those he sees as weak.
The war games themselves could have been the exception as arcanum usage was allowed around that period anyway, or Apollo could have been willing to wait on the conversion but wanted Bell physically in his familia in the meantime... as far as I know, we don't know why it needs to wait a year specifically.
This isn't a hentai series and barely an ecchi series, honestly I doubt we will see anything more titillating than the 18th floor bath scene.
That is a bit of an open question, but anyways, it creates more of an issue as Bell will reach a point where the level difference between Bell and the rest of the Hestia Familia, which is why some people think Ryuu will be recruited into the Hestia Familia. How that would work, is still an open question tho since Ryuu is essentially a wanted criminal as things currently stand. So it gives a few questions.
Else wise, no idea what you are looking for, Bell would get the same boost as everybody else whom hit level 5 and would continue to arose more suspicion than he already does.
Marie can charm monsters right, and she seems to have been placed near the action. So if they can get Marie... there are a few potential possibilities on what they can do, but then such a charm must have a limit... so... will be interesting.
Otaku4469 wrote: I wonder when she hears that Bell is on the 37th floor would she be so reckless to go by herself just to save him
I might be wrong on this, but wouldn't it be very difficult/impossible for Ais to go to the 37th floor alone? I remember reading somewhere that even Ais wouldn't dare go below the 25th floor on her own. Also, in SO Volume 2, in the scene before Ais starts to fight Udaeus, Ais asks permission to stay down there all by herself, to which Tiona and the others reply that it was simply too dangerous. I understand that they might've been tired/worn out because they'd already been in the Dungeon for quite some time, but Tiona and Tione said that no matter how low-levels those monsters were, they refuse to leave an ally alone that deep into the Dungeon.
And yet Ais did stay on Floor 37 with only Riveria, more so Ais soloed Udeaus the Monster Rex on Floor 37 which got her the level up to level 6, so that was when she was still level 5. Since getting level 6, it can't be that hard to imagine Ais being able to get there alone.
Honestly, I'd love to see em just fight their way back up, with the two of them it should be possible... it would no doubt be difficult tho. The fact it is floor 37 really does seem suspicious tho, but oh well, I didn't think it'd get much mention since SO already covered the monster rex but guess we will see. It really is a question of it they head up or down. Down is faster so getting to Floor 50 could potentially wait out to heal or for an S rank familia to get there but I think the danger this time is vastly too much greater and there is no town, so too many ifs on it. I think they will try to head up, heal, fight, endure. I just hope they don't cheap out and simply have Bell use argonaut to jump up the holes...
Assuming nothing else spawns in a monster Rex's room, taking out Udaeus does have one benefit, which is that Bell and Ryuu can rest their until recovered. Still seems crazy tho, would be more intelligent to clear out a room and slash the walls to recover.Bell and Ryuu together could definitely get back up to floor 18 no problem if they were able to rest to full but I suspect is that Udeaus will infact end out fighting juggernaut for some reason which will weaken Juggernaut enough for Bell and Ryuu to finish it...
Ais would definitely jump down to the 37th floor to rescue Bell, I don't see there being any question of that.
I am ok with just a joke, you just didn't indicate it very well, I call Poe's law on you sir! Anyways, pretty sure Otaku is a fan of the old harem stuff, no one person could ever fulfill Otaku's desires, lol.
neither a nice or civil comment... as per the rules:
and I have now noticed we lack flag buttons...
I think thus far, all we have seen is Freya banish Ishtar to heaven for Arcanum usage...
Because it requires people whom can read Japanese to read it and then want to summarize it down into a Synopsis... for little in return. The only reason I can see to want to do it is to promote the series you like.... on thate note, I think the volumes in 2017 weren't particularly great, for the main series or Sword Oratoria but as I can't directly read them...
I would personally love to learn Japanese but got too many other issues on the plate right now to give it any time and I am naturally terrible at languages.