Ways to be stronger in Danmachi world? let me think... (BTW I didn't read anything you wrote, only the important stuff 🤣)
As a mortal, follow the next steps:
1._ Seduce a Deity. 🤣
2._ Get the Blessings.
3._ Pray for good> Skills (Passive or active) (BTW level boost is a skill)
4._ Train hard and Kill monsters in the Dungeon> Level Up (Stats). Form a party.
5._ Earn money> P2W> Items. Grimoire are important... a level 1 Adventurer with 2 magics should be OP during Floor 1 to Floor 20 of the Dungeon.
6._ Bloodlines.
7._ Luck. 😎
8._ Everything else I forgot 🤣
For > Witmsatfm
^ “Fifteen years ago…Zeus and Hera were at the height of their power. Their Familias were home to the most powerful adventurers in history, and they set out to challenge the three ancient beasts. First, the Terrestrial Tyrant, Behemoth, then the Ruler of the Sea, Leviathan, were defeated.—And last…”
After reading for so long... I have concluded that all of you are crazy fans ? well< "We're crazy Fans" myself included.
I guess the quarantine and some of us been depressed for all the stuff happening around the world sometimes got the worst of us.
Now back on topic, I'll list what I think after reading all the argument you guys had before in the comments above^
._ Levels are important so as well tactics, equipment, strategies, techniques and everything related to the development of an adventurer.
._ I'll try to see your opinions from a different POV and be the most neutral if possible, but of course I need to respect the Auhtor setup, laws, rules and everything he has written so far.
Adventurers could defeat an adventurer or monster one level above them? Yes, in a 1 vs 1 if the conditions are met; then it's possible, even for normal adventurers who aren't like Bell, Ais, Ottar and all the other Elites. (Say monster can't be an irregular, Xenos, Boss' floor or an Elite Adventurer with special and OP-cheat skills and/or magics).
Of course you have to consider a lot of things:
Say adventurer need to prepare equipment fit for the task at hand and also prepare mentally for whats coming. Having good equipment is essencial, to protect yourself and to defeat your opponent, just like most adventurers use the equipment made from Spirits to protect themselves from different kind of monsters' attacks or the environment from "X" floor as well.
Having a cursed weapon, magic weapon or any kind of item that could help you during the battle is an option and/or having a special skill and/or magic is also positive to be able to gain the upperhand during the battle, but you need to prepare for it and how to use say equipment to your advantage, this is when strategies, tactics and techniques come in handy; to achieve all that, you need to mentally prepare before hand or be fast to change it at any given time if the battle requires it.
Again, this is only possible if the adventurer(s) have everything on their favor, 1 vs 1 (adventurer vs adventure) on the collosseum for example is a good environment for that, but in the Dungeon even if it's a 1 vs 1 (adventurer vs monster) the environtment will be (most of the time) use for say monster to gain the upperhand during the battle and if you're not prepare for it... it'll be a loss no matter what.
I repeat, if you knew before hand which adventurer and/or monster will you be battling on a 1 vs 1 to the death, then it's possible to achieve it, even for normal adventurers.
Remember> Knowledge is a must and you need it if you want to accomplish anything. Now, we can have different situations and setups in the dungeon, also they're almost infinite so the results are mostly unpredictable, even if by chance you have a 1 vs 1 (adventurer vs monster) and let's say you get separated from your party and you have this "Fated Encounter" it's not like you have come into the dungeon to fight say monster that's one level above, so your chances drop a lot, the thing I want to convey is that in a controlled environment everything is possible but that's not how things works in Danmachi Universe or even IRL, so you need to take into account all of these points.
Now to defeat an opponent 2 levels above (lets say level 6 every stats capped vs a new level 8), I think we can guess that only MC, MH and a few Elites could do that (Hard mode activated), with the help of equipments, items, tactics, and cheat-OP skills and magic it should be possible to an extent, but it'll be Difficult no matter what, and here is when experience is one of the most important things, so that level 8 should (probably) be more experienced than that level 6 so the only way to overcome say experience and power gap, is with cheat-OP skills, magics, items and weapons; it should be the only way to go (I think), but seeing it from another differen POV I think only Bell could achieve something like that, after all he's the only one in Orario to overcome these limits and go beyond, but I can't say that it's Impossible for the other few Elites but 1 in a million, sure... it could be possible for those who's name isn't Bell ?
Now 3 levels of difference between Adventurers and a Monster Rex, if say monster Rex is level 5 and you have a bunch of level 2 with different groups well balance, sure... there's a tiny chance they could bring it down that Floor Boss, but at what cost? How many will die? how many will die from a one-hit attack from that Monster Rex? and you need to take into account that it's not the same 50 - 100 level 2 adventurers vs Monster Rex level 5 that 50 - 100 level 5 adventurers vs Monster Rex level 8... Uhm! it's hard to explain in english this situation because is not even my 2nd language, but I think other people could explain it better for me ? Thanks in advance.
Now a level 10 monster or above vs a bunch of level 7 (in a supporting role) is just a joke, even if they're supporting those level 8 and 9 and/or (probably) one level 10 adventurer, they can't accomplish somehting big to begin with, the only wait for them to be usefull is... if there are more than 500 level 7 and all of them have a death wish, then we can talk and look at it from a different perspective, just like an Elephant battling ants for example, it could work somehow ?
I'll be waiting for your opinion and of course if you read anything that is wrong in my comment just pointed out and let me know about it.
^They mean that teh Author didn't use all the resources he has to build something better, for example Revis, Omori could have done better with her character but she just vanished like that *Poof* and it left nothing to us.
Bell joining the fight as a level 4 and defeating one of the strongest monster with one hit was pretty much lame and bad writing in my opinion.
And the list goes on and on... so let it be the end ?
Althought, Wow.. you people has wrote a lot of interesting stuff, thanks for the meal, I've read everything, during this quarantine it helps me a lot ?
^If I remember correctly, during the Xeno's Arc, Hestia said to Haruhime that she could perhaps, have a kind of affinity with monsters, I think Haruhime as holding Wiene in her arms; check Volume 9 just in case ? too lazy to check it out.
^What plot...??? ?
This story looks like a Fanfic... yeah! a Fanfic wrote by myself WTH ?
I don't see any plan or consistency at all in the narrative... Uhm! maybe Omori lied to us and he won't finish the series around Volume 30, they've been selling a lot so I guess they need to milk that cow harder from now on and extend Bell's Journey for more than one year.
Hey! Kevhunt06 could you think of something reasonable to solve all this mess???
^I'll be waiting for one of your blogs ?
Wow! ? Omori doing "Omori" things... How the H**l he thinks that those "weak-a*s" adventurers from Orario could defeat the OEBD???
I can't imagine what's he going to pull from "the place where the sun 'never' reaches".
Unbelievable... 70 floors and the Dungeon has been growing so at least 10 more floors, so around 80 floors or more.
Freya, Loki, Ganesha and those elite adventurers that we have never heard of it before, if they can leveled up one more time... no,no,no... they can't win even if they're all level 7, sigh! I'll wait for volume 16 and 17, then I'll just wait foe a "miracle" to happen, yeah! a miracle that make Bell a God of War or soemthing like that, then I think they could win ?
Ok! Thanks, I'll do that.
Sigh! Seriously... this guy and his twitter, plus all the info he release in-game... si not good for us readers of the Main Series ?
ごめんなさい、嘘です。 ヴァルトシュテインがいた。
I'm sorry, it's a lie.
There was Waldstein.
#三周年解説 #ネタバレ ので、 ザルドとアルフィアは現時点の小説漫画ゲーム、全シリーズ通して登場した人類キャラの中で一番強いです。 ゼウス・ヘラ眷族の初登場だから これくらいやらないとダメでしょ! って登場させたら執筆中に昇天しかけました。 過去の大森 「どうやって倒しゅの……」
Zaldo and Alfia are the strongest of the human characters that have appeared throughout the series of the novel comic games of the present time.
Because Zeus Hera's first appearance
You have to do this much!
I started to ascend while I was writing.
Past Omori
"How do you beat..."
場数と経験値の修羅なので(じゃないとダンジョンの未知に殺されるだけなので)、 対応速度がジャガ様のスピードより速いです。 アルフィアに至っては 反射した魔法をゼロ秒で無効化するので ジャガ様は多分涙目になります。
Because it is a scorching of the number of scenes and experience value (otherwise it will be killed by the unknown of the dungeon),
The corresponding speed is faster than the speed of Jaga.
For Alfia
Since the reflected magic is invalidated in zero seconds,
Mr. Jaga probably has teary eyes.
#三周年解説 #ネタバレ Q. 迷宮のジャガ丸さんとザルアルどっちが強いの? A. ジャガ丸さんは召喚される階層によって強さが異なるので、70階層のジャガ様ならギリ勝てるレベルです。 ただし戦法が初見殺し特化なので、 最初の20秒で仕留めないと ザルドにもアルフィアにもボコボコにされます。
Which is stronger, Jagamaru-san of the labyrinth or Zaruaru?
Mr. Jagamaru has different strength depending on the summoned level, so it is a level where Jaguar of 70 levels can win at the last minute.
However, since the tactics are specialized for first-time killing,
I have to finish in the first 20 seconds
Both Zardo and Alfia are bubbly.
#三周年解説 #ネタバレ 下記の台詞はオッタルサンのトラウマ。 かつ猛者としての人格形成にも一役買っています。 オッタルの中では、 ザルドの背中=武人 でした。 何が言いたいかというと結局強すぎる。
The following dialogue is Otarusan's trauma.
It also plays a role in character formation as a fierce person.
In Ottar,
Zaldo's back = samurai
After all, what I want to say is too strong.
Prior to the scenario, two names have been released on this week's Oraggio Z. Please check the reading in Part 2 scenario (please guess).
#三周年解説 #ネタバレ 【暴喰】のザルド 作中屈指の化け物その二。 ゼウスF幹部で超前衛。 やっぱりLv.8の傑物に ワンチャンあるくらい鬼クソ強いです。 持ってるスキルが空前絶後レベルでチートです。 派閥内ではロキ・ファミリアでいうガレスのような立ち位置でした。
Show more
Zarudo of [Bowl]
Two of the best monsters in the story.
Super vanguard with Zeus F executives.
After all it is a masterpiece of Lv.8
It's so strong that there is one chan.
My skills are cheating at an unprecedented level.
Within the faction, he was standing like Gareth in Loki Familia.
書き忘れ。 オラジオZ#122回で石上静香さんが突っ込んでいましたが、アルフィアが一番嫌っているのは『自分の雑音』です。
Forgot to write.
Mr. Shizuka Ishigami was stuck in Oradio Z#12 2 times, but what Alfia hates most is "my noise".
もしゼウスとヘラの団長が同じレベル帯だったら アルフィアが確実に勝つくらいチートです。 後衛なのに手刀一本で前衛を全滅させる才能お化け。
If Zeus and Hera have the same level band
It's a cheat that Alfia surely wins.
A ghost who can destroy avant-garde with a single sword even though he is a rear-guard.
#三周年解説 #ネタバレ 第一部で出たアルフィアの【】は詠唱です。 アイズと同じ【目覚めよ(テンペスト)】と同じノリです。 魔法名は別にあります。 三つ目の魔法もあります。
Alfia's [] in the first part is a chant.
Same as Eyes, same as Awakening (Tempest).
There is another magic name.
There is also a third magic.
From today:
オラジオZでネタバレ解禁したので、 ちょっと踏み込んだ #三周年解説 やろうかと思います。 #ダンメモ
Since the spoiler ban was lifted on Oradio Z,
I stepped in a little
#3rd anniversary commentary
I think I should do it.
#三周年解説 【静寂】のアルフィア 作中屈指の化け物その一。 実はヘラF幹部の中でも群を抜いて若いです。 アルフィアやザルドのクラスになると レベル差を普通に覆してくるので、 ヘラの生き写しだと噂のLv.9女帝にも ワンチャンあります。
[Quiet] Alfia
One of the best monsters in the story.
Actually, she is the youngest among the Hera F executives.
When it comes to Alfia and Zardo classes
As the level difference will be overturned normally,
Even Lv.9 Empress rumored to be a live copy of Hera
I have one chan.