In regard to Otaku. The reason I am as pointed as I am is specifically because that is the only thing that get through to him and only sometimes. Otaku has the distinction of having had more spam remove than all other user going back to the beginning of this wiki, combined. I mean literally every other piece of spam ever removed on this wiki pales in comparison to his. There is also that he used to attack other users about their interests, a specific example would be anything Kirito of SAO would result in a tirade which were generally disrespectful to the users. One of those events was the first time I chewed his ass out and was about five or six years ago. Now he has gotten way better about that particular issue.
As for my specific warning that he would get permanently blocked. That is a specific case of making a post on a thread that was completely of topic, but far more importantly, worded in a way that completely attempts to derail someone else's thread and topic. I deleted that post only for it to be back less than an hour later.
I will not tolerate such behavior, from anyone.
Regardless of what he, or anyone else for that matter, may feel or think I take no joy or pleasure it being harsh with him, it just that is the only thing that has ever worked and I will not make idle warning I won't carry out.
But this is super off topic and if you have questions or concerns I have wall for that.
@Leinad91 @InversePrime Okay I did read most of your both responses. I'm not going write a response, I just don't have the interest or motivation to do so for Oomori's work anymore. Feel free to give me a little crap about it if you want I can take it. You do both make some good points though I still largely disagree and Freya/Syr being done badly is a hill I will die on, there what it is.
@Leinad91 If I'm going to critique you, you have every right to do so to me. I would expect nothing less. Honestly calling me a mediocre admin probably more than I deserve on said account. The reason I actually ended up with and admin rights is because you have to have that level to edit blog posts. Couple years ago a user posted a few MLT translated SSs that he ran through a few different languages and worked really hard to try and make good enough for people to read. Unfortunately they were a mess and they either had to be extensively cleaned up or removed. That's how I got the funny star that some people think means more than it does. I have always realistically been more moderator than admin.
But something people need to understand, it is not the job of the admin to update and improve the wiki. That is supposed to be a communal effort of the wiki's community. Rigel does pretty much all the heavy lifting, but it should not be something that is expected of him or seen as he has some obligation to do.
And yes that first sentence was misleading and I should not have put it there. Also I have never "proudly" said I stopped reading the material at volume fifteen. I make that known precisely so that I don't mislead people into think I'm better informed than I am and if you paid more attention you'd realize I pretty don't discuss volumes after 14.
Freya/Syr is really the only exception and that is because it was flatly written badly and goes back into the material I am intuitively familiar with. It's not something that is debatable, Oomori badly overplayed bait and switch, and he does effectively lie to the readers in one instance. They only reasons to say otherwise is one does not recognize bad writing, or "I need this to be good because I like it." I it fine to like something that isn't done well. But one likes something doesn't mean it is good and just because one doesn't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
Oh, no Ikari think I'm opinionated (I am) and toxic, what ever will I do. Ikari the only reason your sock puppet wasn't blocked was the one percent chance that it was actually someone else. You squandered any right you had to be here when after Rigel's warning block you immediate made three post attacking other user for different opinions than your own. Moving forward any accounts suspected of being you will be permanently blocked.
Leinad I'm going to be completely honest with you, I don't consider you ability to analyze and deduce things to be worth my time. I rarely read your walls of text, you have a tendency write a lot and say very little. Yes I'm being an asshole here but I just don't care that much. You are to interested in trying to justify things and find excuses for an author that just doesn't actually care rather than excepting what is given.
Hasn't been made yet
Vol. 17 I believe
Oh, it been along time since I written one of these.
No, no it does not, and to say it does reeks of Oomori apologist. It comes off far more as wanting it well done because one likes the story rather than it actually being a well done, well written element of the story, which it is not.
Nothing you have put forth actually supports your argument and only using the most extreme hindsight can it be said that it is clear they are supposed to be the same person.
Syr doesn't disappear at Monsterphilia so much as she doesn't show up until after the fact. The problem with saying she does is she is the plot device to get Bell where he needs to be to move the plot along as he was not going to attend and it is expectable that he is unable to find her in crowds of thousands especially when Hestia derails his search and the plot follows something else entirely. Further regarding this particular point we know Freya is already obsessed and infatuated with Bell at the juncture in the narrative, Syr claims she fell for him after seeing in action on main street and while she does see him, that it doesn't support her being Freya, only that she was in fact present.
In Episode Ryuu, we do not see a godly aura and gods are not the only beings in Danmachi that can see through the deceptions of mortals and reading them like books.
Syr is an alias of Freya that is true, one of many in Norse mythology not Greek. Specifically that particular alias has to do with one of Freya's sacred animals. That doesn't suggest they are the same person it suggests that Syr is something special to Freya. It shows a clear relation, of itself nothing more.
The gaze at the beginning of the story really means nothing without hindsight. It is common in story telling for and in real life for that matter to feel something and turn around only for it to be something else. I will say it is here a little bit but it is also just as easily not.
In regard to Freya having her familia help Bell and Syr worrying about him. Freya only helps Bell when he is at risk of being taken by someone else, never simply because he was he is in danger, Syr does so. So long as Freya would be able to capture his soul after his death she didn't care what would happen to him physically or even necessarily emotionally. Syr and Freya act in diametrically apposed ways regarding Bell. That suggest a conflict of interests of to different people both interested in the same person. And Syr as presented clearly doesn't actually want Bell to be tested and put in danger, she just accepts it part of who he is.
Where Horn fits in is that Oomori needed a way to make Freya and Syr be the same person and since Freya can't use her power he tied it to Horn using a gimmick that really didn't fit very well with the magic system and adding a story element that looking at it at that point in the story made it impossible for Syr and Freya to be the same person. Only to shatter that the next volume. He does the same thing in Sword Oratoria, he blatantly lies to the reader.
My honest biggest gripe with the whole thing is that there was a much more interesting much, more compelling story to be told with Syr and Freya being different people. Instead we got the mess we did.
Though for me the straw that broke the camels back was back in SO12 when what we got there was an absolute failure of what it could have been with everything Oomori had set up and could have used. What I got was the single biggest let down I have ever experience in reading. I have read literally thousands stories. Where Danmachi went from being one of my absolute favorites to being what it is now is a travesty. Oomori has so much potential and talent, but until he gets a reality check he is just going to keep becoming a shittier and shittier author. As long as he keeps getting praised of what has now become his subpar work he will never become the author he could have been.
Opps, forgot to link that, thanks Rigel.
Yeah, that and with a lot of other details Oomori really over played having Syr and Freya as separate entities only to have them be one person. Like where Syr worries and doesn't want Bell to go on an adventurer in vol. 3 while Freya is going to extreme length to do just that by means that were practically guaranteed to kill him. The character depictions are far apart that it is comically out of place now. He is absolutely terrible when it comes to writing these kind of things.
A reminder that sharing bootlegged and fan translations is against wiki rules.
@Shugyo Some of the users here buy and read the Japanese originals when they are released that is where the main sources of information comes from for this site. I won't pretend there aren't fan translations out there but that information is not allowed here as people will use that as a way avoid buying the actual work and thus supporting not authors and the industry as a whole.
Horn was in the tent with Freya. A certain translater changed her name. Horn would have been decoying as Freya while Freya as Syr was with Bell in the chapter, but that in all completely out of scene.
Pretty much every time you see Syr in the story it is in fact Freya. If I remember correctly, Horn doesn't actually meet Bell until she delivers the date invitation to him in vol. 16.
The scene from the flash back is Horn, or the the original Syr if you will, not Freya. However, that scene was specifically written to fool reads into believing Syr was never Freya in the first place, along with pretty much everything else is Syr's characterization. Oomori's desire to be clever, so much so that he can't tell that it isn't clever at all and just being an unreliable narrator.
Adding to Rigel. Hedin is really nothing special either out of universe as a tactician. Supposedly there is some brilliant plan in Episode Freya for the war, but in reality it is just brute force by a comically overpowered force. In-universe they are both be extremely competent regardless of their glaringly obvious incompetence. Unfortunately, Oomori hasn't the foggiest idea how to write a good commander.
@PernasY Bitterbittersweet is making baseless assumptions. Smith regularly work with dropped items well above their level. While it is possible the scales are unworkable it is just as likely top tier smiths could work them if the were actually dropped items.
Welf as a level two smith with Blacksmith at just I rank is shown working materials from monster several levels higher than himself. Not to mention most smith buy dropped items rather than go get them.
Edit: Most danmemo events are non-canon and should be taken with as a grain of salt at most.
If you can't actually respond to the OP, don't
Many LN authors are literally picked up off of amateur writing and fanfiction sites by LN publishing houses. That has something to do with why many popular series actually start as webnovels. Many if not most have no formal training or education in writing as a craft and it often shows. That does not necessarily mean they are bad or untalented, but it does come with a rather long list of caveats. Some of those being they have trouble long plotting, sticking to an outline, build ups and payoffs, to name a few. Oh, and relying on common and frankly bad tropes such trying to use harems to write romance because they've never actually read a romance novel before and don't realize they are to different genres entirely and haven't the foggiest idea how to write romance.
Oomori is a prime example of not actually being a professional author. He is genuinely talented, but even by his own admission he is poorly read and has trouble stick to an outline. He has a bad tendency to outright lie to readers to try and feel clever. He has a terrible reliance on overhyping and inflating things. Falling into one of arguably LN writers biggest problems that every arc has to be greater and more epic than the previous ones. That is a fundamental flaw that plagues many Japanese series.
Basically any amateur webnovel author who has gain a significant enough following on a series they are writing has a decent chance of getting being approached by a publisher. After that they would be assigned an editor who would help them get the story up to publishable quality and teach and advice them writing in general. Oomori's second series is honestly a show of just how bad he can be when he isn't being helped so much by his editor.
Western novelists are expected to have a much better understanding of their craft to have at least some level of writing training and to be at least decently well read. There is in fact actually one thing all genuinely great author have in common, that is that they are all extremely well read in a multitude of genres and often other literary mediums as well.
I don't think I ever seen that prediction myself, but the basis for it would be the Argonaut tale where Argo's sword is the spirit Jupiter who became a sword inorder to aid him in his quest, and Ais having some special relationship with spirits via her mother.
Ais doesn't become a spirit sword anywhere in the actual story. She is listed as human because that is what she is officially listed as in story, though she is likely actually a demi-spirit of some sort. However it needs to be noted that the details and mechanism behind her existed are yet unknown and that her mother Aria is a Spirit and spirits are incapable of bearing children.
@Emiya4578 You really want blocked again? As someone who claims to have read everything Danmachi related you know or should know the answer to this, and most of the spam question threads you make for that matter. So here is the deal next time you post a spam thread such as this I'm going to block you for a month.