I don't think Ryuu can join the Hestia famillia, seeing a 4/5 pop level out of nowhere will raise a lot of questions at the guild level and will cause special attention to it if Ryuu absolutely doesn't want to, for now I think she is where she is, even if she is more involved in the affairs of the hestia famillia that would not mean that it would be preferable for her to join this famillia.
In addition, it is very interesting to observe that Bell starts irregular adventures it would be all the more interesting to see Bell having even if only once when he completely dominates a fight against an opponent (monster or other ), the events of the 37th floor were very dramatic with a touch of despair, after all it is desperation that born the heroic speeches and actions
From my point of view, a hot war between the Loki famillia and the Freeya famillia will lead to the destruction of orario de plus Bell could not let the loki famillia or more precisely Aiz fight without doing anything, knowing that she helped him several times, I think this scenario is very unlikely, cons:
I agree with you that it may in the near future that the Loki famillia get involved in the hestia famillia business when Freeya puts its plan into effect where it will not give hestia any chance to recover Bell (if there is a plan) The loki finds a certain "interest" towards bell, but will she get involved worrying about the psychological progression that Bell brings to Aiz? is this a sufficient reason to implicate oneself militarily or unduly against the Freeya Famillia? Or will there be another action that will definitely involve Loki famillia?
One thing is certain, the Freeya famillia and Loki famillia relationship has never been very good.
Lily has refused her offer for the moment and would not want to leave her family for that, but nothing prevents in the future that we will see a rapprochement between Finn and lily (attention to tione who is likely to be angry poor tione), haruhime and stupid, it is obvious that despite the difference in levels of the two famillia they are somehow "close" to their members, but I do not think that the Loki famillia will dissolve otherwise the novel SO would be useless, but more a alliance and marriages between famillia organized (a first in the history of famillia) and it would be funny to see Loki and Hestia interact, but for the moment it is a little too early excuse me I go far in my ideas
It seems to me that the two famillia were decimated and that there was no survivor left (I am not sure of this information if someone could confirm this to me) it is normal that Bell will be the ultimate hero, in any case he has all the charisma of a hero.
But the dragon is described as the end of everything, if Oomri was able to play us despair on the 37th floor what will it be in the face of an immense and overpowered dragon, unconquerable, I think there is will not only have despair but in addition to the dead, and I hope it will not be just random, but famous characters and appreciate this will bring drama and a touch of sadness to Bell Crannel who from the start has always known how to protect folks, it would be interesting to see Bell fail to protect someone at least once.