absolutely not. this is called the true version of how the falna system actually works. it was never directly stated that the difference in levels could not be overcome thanks to statistics. therefore, Omori allows the characters to overcome the difference in levels thanks to statistics. what are you even trying to argue with? with the author himself, who obviously knows his system better than the average reader? Just because you don't like the elements of this system doesn't mean it contradicts itself. in fact, it only contradicts your own beliefs.
I'm saying the author wrote himself into a corner and made a convenient change to fix it. Also if it was the "true version of how the falna system actually works" it'd already be known since gods know how falna works!
But all this doesn't matter anyway. Just throw as many adventures as you think you need to make it realistic. I am telling you right now all Freya Familia members at the end of this LN will get beaten or will win a pointless victory and it will be either Bell himself or with Ais delivering the final blow. When it comes to story progression those two outcomes by far make the most sense!
@IkariSon "Hermes literally says in plain text that this is possible thanks to the stats. and Bell's stats are high. high enough to bridge the gap in levels. it's actually not impossible."
Are you trying to prove my point or yours? That is what we call plot armor. The author is making something up to justify what happened.
"LN literally states that if Asterius was completely healthy, Bell would have been knocked out at the beginning of the fight. then Omori tweeted that Asterius had lost about 90% of his health, plus he was without an arm, and only because of this Bell was able to resist him, although in fact he still lost. in this state, Asterius was at best level 5."
Again PLOT ARMOR. Let me give you a tip if the author has to tweet out why something can happen or have a character explain why something isn't BS it's because it IS BS!
@IkariSon ok using your stats justify how Bell beat Hyacinth in the war game. The level disparity was still their (and don't spew that lame garbage about syrs pendent obsobing the blow. that was just the last blow and it was a cheap shot) How did he put up a solid fight against Asterius. You want a non Bell example how did a bunch 4's, 2's and 1's beat a FREAKING DRAGON!! Face facts the second it's convenient the author tosses the leveling system out the window. So if all you got is the leveling system backing you, than you got NADA my friend!
"Ais paired with any LF adventurer is not capable of delaying Ottar even for a minute, so Bell will not have enough time to properly charge."
You're basing all this on stats I'm guessing but the author goes against his own ranking system all the time. Also 2 level sixes won't go down that easy.
"also, if we are talking about ais paired with another level 6, again it is not clear why in your scenario this ally is knocked out earlier than ais, given how mediocre her power is."
Again your focusing too much on stats, Bell either saving or fighting with Ais makes much more sense in terms of story progression. Think about it Bell was the one who mentally saved Ais in Vol 12 of SO. Now Bell saving her physically would be the natural next step. All Ais wants is her Hero, Bell will have to become that at some point. Or if the author isn't ready for that yet Ais fighting Ottar along side Bell would help Bell to be thought of as more on her level. Last but not least I'm not sure where you're getting the idea she has mediocore power she's one of the strongest adventurers in Orario
@IkariSon ok, how about this. Ais and another loki member (take your pick) fight Ottar. The other member gets knocked out. Ais is about to take a fatal hit but bell rushes in with a full charge. Then he has a epic battle with a injured Ottar.
I think Ais and Bell will Tag team Ottar. Bell will get "Knocked Out" at one point leaving Ais to fend off Ottar herself. Just when she's about too lose Bell will come in with a charge.
Define soon! Before this arc ends prolly not. Anytime after that maybe. TBH I don't think he needs Ottar to get to LVL 6 I mean he gets into trouble every week he'll get what he needs. Also is Ottar even suited to be a teacher. His advice to Ais almost got her killed until Bell's Argonaut snapped her out of it!
@Freako Geeko well if we add Asterius we'll have to add Welf as well. The end of the series is Bell and Hephaestus fighting for Welf's affection!
TBH I'm not sure it's realistic he's only doing about 1-2 LN a year and has the main story and 2 side stores. If he adds on to the main series it may never get finished and he already has issues keeping his attention on writing.
@Emiya4578 Loki is going to have a problem with it in the start no matter what for the pure fact that Bell is part of the Hestia Familia. It's also implied that relationships between different Familias is at least looked down upon if not strait up forbidden. Best guess is their will be a civil war type of arc where Bell and Ais have to fight to have their relationship recognized (be it a physical fight or appealing to the gods) with the subject splitting Familias into sides
@AbigailWilliams2020 lol you never know he doesn't have the worst personality.
@Emiya4578 as he is now yes he's not worthy of Haruhime but there's no telling what kind of character development might happen between now and the end of the series. Lena might also happen but I do believe Haruhime will end up with someone and I think Bete is most likely at this point but that could change with any given volume.
A harem ending wouldn't fit Danmachi. Bell has never shown any romantic feelings for anyone except for Ais. Also non of the girls have shown the ability to be in that kind of relationship except for Haruhime maybe but that's more cuz she thinks she's not worthy of Bell. I think the author will start seeding the idea of other relationships for the other girls. In fact I think it's already started. I think Lili will end up with Luan. While he hasn't shown a sense of friendship towards her, he has shown respect after she leveled. My guess is he will eventually join the Hestia familia and their relationship will grow. This one will sound a little out their but I think Haruhime will end up with Bete. She on the surface is the personification of the hurdle he needs to overcome (His hatred towards the weak). She has already shown unexpected strength by not giving up when Bete was hitting her in the Xenos arc. Hestia will probably continue doing what she does now, support Bell while getting jealous. I assume Ryu will also stay single and by the end she will be happy reviving her friendship with Syr (I think she will have a redemption arc where she becomes friends with Ryu and Bell again) and maybe Astraea. As for Syr/Freya I think she'll have a similar path to Hestia.
The boyfriend angle isn't realistic. Loki would never ok Ais dating a Freya Familia member, especially now that she is furious with Freya. The other part is less unrealistic but one could make the argument that hurting Bells chances in the war game hurts the Loki Familia members chances at winning which effectively is bringing them into the favor which would brake the terms of the agreement.
Personally I think there are 3 possibilities for what happens with the favor.
Loki finds out about it and demands that Freya release Ais from the obligation if Loki's side wins the war game.
Freya tries to use it but is turned down by Ais due to the stipulation
(Personally I think this is the most likely outcome) One of the Freya Familia members suggest to use it and Freya shoots it down realizing that they can't sue to the stipulation.
The reason I think the 3rd option is the most likely outcome is due to the fact that I think Freya will have a redemption path in the future and the favor seems much better used as a tool in her redemption in the eyes of Ryu and Bell (like if Freya were to use it to ask Ais to save Bell or Ryu in the future) under those terms I would even bet some Loki Familia members would overlook the stipulation and help.
Start with 1 then go to 2 then maybe 3 then decipher the highly guarded code in the order of the first 3 to get the rest of the order!
@Chronicler75 I'm not saying she won't try something, I mean it's Freya but that one scenario just doesn't make much sense. Also of course it doesn't seem like Hestia's side has a chance against Ottar, Thats par for the course. When has it ever seemed like they had a realistic chance of winning before they won? The author does this every time. He heaps more and more bad news until everyone thinks it's impossible for Bell to come out on top prolly in an effort to hide the fact that their are really only 2 general ways an arc can end in this series. 1) Bells side win 2) Bells side loses but without any real consequence for Bell.
@Chronicler75 I think you focused to deeply on this that you're not seeing the big picture. This will likely be the 2nd most important arc in the sires. The author has been building up Freya as a formidable baddie since volume 1. Theirs just no way Ais won't play a major role in the war game. Besides if you think about it rationally how would it work. Ais says hey Familia I know you want me to help ya in the war game but I gotta pass and the Loki Familia says no worries we got this. No they would press her till she said why. With the way things are with public opinion were its at theirs no way the guild would allow that because people would claim Freya's trying to rig things in her favor.(remember the Xenos arc it doesn't matter if it's true if public opinion is against you people will assume the worst). Also Freya is smart she'll realize this easily. I wouldn't be surprised if this plot point only gets a couple sentences. Ottar suggesting it and Freya shooting it down and telling why.
Plus your argument has a pretty big flaw in it. If losing Ais would only hurt the fighting power of the Loki Familia a little why on earth would Freya waste a favor from the Sword Princess for it?
@chronicier75 it doesn't matter how much it hurts their chances, hurting them at all is still involving them besides this is about how likely it is that this delayed things. This Favor happened 3 years ago I'm sure he's thought of how to resolve it by now!
@Chronicler75 I doubt thats the cause of a major delay. First off any book is going to have rewrites thats almost a given so he prolly would have had plenty of time to deal with it. Second I don't think it would be that hard to explain it to audience. I mean Ais will likely have to explain it to the Loki Familia so the audience who don't read SO would just learn about it then also it just wouldn't take all that long to explain. We're prolly talking about 2 to 3 paragraphs at most. All that really needs to be said is that she made the deal in exchange for Ottar's help in training for a fight. Lastly I don't think it's as major of a plot point as you might think (at least in this volume) Theirs a pretty easy work around so that Freya can't use the favor. Loki Familia will be in the War game which means Ais not taking part would be bad for her Familia and that could easily be argued that it goes against the rule Ais set up that whatever the favor was it couldn't involve her Familia. Will it come up prolly but i doubt it will be a major plot point.
At this point I'm pretty sure it's clear that anyone can can fall for Bell. The kid even has 2 Xenos after him romantically. I'm starting to to think he has a hidden Charm skill!