It's possible to buy the kindle version, I don't know if you need a Japanese adress added to your account beforehand though...
I have no trouble buying ebooks on even with a western card and address I know some years ago you needed that Japanese address first to buy on
I think the reason for the synopsis never getting filled out was because SO14 is basically a collection of short stories that had already been released
Chapter 1:'s_Adventure_Part_1's_Adventure_Part_2
Chapter 2:'s_Departure_Part_1's_Departure_Part_2
Chapter 3:'s_Brave_Enterprise_Part_1
Only the prologue and epilogue are original and if I remember correctly the prologue was mostly about the Loki trio leveling up and celebrating, talking about the wargame and some minor things.
I think when he talks about Zeus and Hera he really refers only to the last generation
Oh yeah absolutely and I know that it's only to refer to the last generation, and that's one of the bad things about Omori, he created this big universe with close to endless potential but barely touches it, you're limited to Argonaut era (with knights of Fianna included), Albert (barely touched), and then he just jumps an entire millenia.
I only say this as an idea but even I would agree that it could prove repetitive, but DanMachi could have started at different points in the timeline it just happens that the story of Bell started at the end (with the fight against OEBD happening in his lifetime) and have many different stories.
To go back to Zeus and Hera for example you could have their FC be centered around the time they descended and follow the first exploration of the dungeon, how they mapped the floors constructed Babels and changed the world into this somewhat peaceful place, then you wouldn't have to worry about killing characters at least not a complete wipe out, but no let's only focus on this cramped time window of ~15 years around the existence of Bell.
Sure I'm interested in knowing more about Empress and Maxim but having a new set of characters could really expand the story, I think Omori really inflated the powers etc. but I always felt like it was a possibility Zeus and Hera had level 8 (possibly 9s) throughout history, since they made most of the major discoveries concerning the dungeon they probably had other people reach those levels before to have the knowledge necessary to raise promising adventurers to these levels in the "modern era", hell considering the level requirements I personally don't think it would be that much of a stretch to think they had their adventurers actually train in their corresponding floors (deep floors for level 4s etc.), and that could be the reason why Alfia's lowest floor was 71 probably on the far end of the level 7 range.
which is an issue given the end of both familias
Then have the book based only in the past to show how they worked?
I don't know it could even be set 500 years before the story for all I care and he won't have to kill them off.
There's so much possibility of writing around Zeus and Hera since they descended a thousand years before the story why limit yourself to only the recent era, he could follow the POV of Zeus and have each chapter be a short story about a certain era each time to show how the passage of time is different for gods...
From top to bottom, strongest to weakest:
The members are dysfunctional and have no unity towards each other and obsessed to the point to kill their own people to get attention from Freya.
You might have a point with your comment but with such generalities it's not that hard.
I actually like this part of the Freya familia, they aren't friends, they actually are closer to the myths than most of the other familias, they are Einherjar, it literally means "army of one" or "those who fight alone".
In nordic mythology among the einherjar half of them are taken by Odin and the other by Freya, I read somewhere that the half taken by Odin were offensive warriors who died sword in hand and the other half are more defensive warriors at least that's what they suspect since they found some bodies buried with shields instead of sword/axes etc.
They also fight from sunrise to sunset in Valhalla, I'm not sure about Folkvangr but I would guess Omori fused the two lore.
So that the members of Freya Familia, named the einherjar would fight each other everyday and have no unity towards each other didn't seemed that bad, at least it isn't something I would particularly disagree with.
I actually think the Loki familia makes less sense than Freya Familia on that part, that you could have tens of people from different parts of the world being overly friendly with each other from what seems like day one (with Bete being the exception), and that they almost never fight or at least seem to have any disagreement the only one we saw was during the Xenos arc and even then it didn't last very long.
I'm not asking them to jump at each others throat like Freya Familia but the relations between LF members looks so perfect.
I hate to bring up a political topic in this but we are looking at this from a non-Japanese perspective.
Not a question of looking at it from a non-japanese perspective or not, it's a question of looking at it with our modern standards or not, maturity and adulthood came much earlier in medieval times, in canon, majority was reached around 14 years old they were considered rational enough to consent to marriage, although legal majority was around 21 to deal with inheritance problems. You can also look at it further in cannon by what's still the norm in religion, Roman Church set the majority at 18, Islam is around 15 I think and in Judaism a boy is considered a man at 13.
In Japan, up until recently, the age of consent was only 13.
Both correct and incorrect, Federal age of consent was 13, most if not all prefectures had higher age of consent, and even with that 13 it only allowed consensual relations between two 13-14 years old.
What wasn't allowed was :
A -13yo having a relation with under 18 or under 20yo
-14 with someone under or over 20
-18 with someone under or over 20
Someone under or over 20 (but above 18) couldn't have a relation with someone under 18.
So, this was written by an author in a culture that until recently saw a pairing like this to be acceptable.
False, no matter the country there's bound to be weird people, the author did not lived in a culture that saw these pairings to be acceptable, otherwise the law wouldn't have been changed, there's many such cases but having a law written does not mean it is necessarily enforced and that people agree with it, legal age of consent in most European countries is 16 but even if it's legal (in certain situation if the oldest person does not hold any clear authority over the youngest one) a 20 years old going out with a 16 years old will be found shocking by most people and the 20yo will most likely be branded a pedo, usually these laws main reason for existing now is to protect couples with a one year difference that might have started going out when they were 15-16/16-17 and would be found illegal once one of them reached 18.
It is clear that Japan and some of its media has a huge problem with the oversexualization of women and especially younger looking ones, but as far as I know the vast majority of the people that enjoy this and are targeted by these medias are far from being accepted by society, they aren't celebrated, they are quite clearly despised by normal people.
The school district is a ship so it is a good opportunity to see some places outside of Orario,
I don't really see any reason for that happening, we know from SO13 that the school district was in Orario at the time (obviously), adventurers aren't allowed to leave Orario, and looking at the timeframe I don't think Bell had been on the ship for longer than a few days before the start of SO13 so at best he only saw Melen, which is one of the place we already have the most informations about...
It will be interesting to see how Bell's relationship with Eina deepens
This isn't against you, but man I really don't care about Bell deepening his relationship with Eina, he needs to put an end to the romantic routes not strenghten them, and looking at past examples Omori a plotline deepening a relation with a female character can only be through the romantic scope (might be one sided but it still isn't closing the door).
In the end it's a question of personal views while some of your arguments make sense I really don't see anything interesting coming out of a "school district" arc, once again Bell won't be going down to lower floors (realistically impossible with the students), he will only develop an impossible relation with yet another girl, meet with the knight of knight (so what? even if he tells him he is the descendant of the Zeus and Hera familia this changes nothing short term)
As much as Vanadis Tevere confuses me it's absolutely not pointless, Omori likes big power ups etc there is no way he would introduce a pointless/useless skill.
My only problem/question with the skill is whether the "charm" has to be some form of skill/power or if it includes everything.
What I mean is that his love for Ais was so strong it created a cheat like skill that effectively shields him from charms, would it then be reasonable to think Ais, or his love for her, acted as a charm and could mean that fighting and living around her could activate VT.
I think we all agree here that LF effects were tremendous whenever he trained with Ais, it doesn't seem too far fetched for me that something so powerful could somehow be considered a charm at least based on what's been done in the past, a skill conveniently appearing while at a time where it seems pointless (since he would have needed it during the arc not after) surely there's a reason for it that's right under our nose.
@ValetVlad DM8 in the first 100 pages I think.
Bell and Ryu fought almost continuously for the four days they were on the 37th floor and came close to dying multiple times.
Hestia Familia could have been exhausted from fighting Amphisbaena and other monsters but ultimately they were carried by the Xenos, Tsubaki and the girls from the hostess down to the 37th, on paper they did nothing important or exhausting apart from following the group, knowing Omori if he had detailed their way down he would have probably gave them a bigger role than what's realistically possible with their level but he didn't.
I honestly might have to read the epilogue of SO13 again because I thought Lefiya was referring to Filvis when she kept saying I love you and that she was her admiration (the same way Bell refers to Ais).
@Tetsuryuu01 Honestly I can't remember if it was in SO12 or in another book but there is a passage where ariel/Tempest was written as white wind, I think Angelo talked about it at some point so WhitesKitsune might have been refering to this.
PS: Found the image, it was page 542 of SO12 【白き風よ/テンペスト】
Honestly not sure if this is Argonaut or some other thing that I missed being announced but there is a 2 part thing being released April 13th and May 12 (
My bad I didn't see the end of Rigel message are those the SS collections that were announced? I did not follow all the recent announcements.
Thanks Kisaki, we'll see with the context but since chapter 9 is after faction war "sweet words to you" might be better at least from what we expect to be happening in DM18.
Also, for anyone interested about mythoogy, Idun was an Aesir goddess (the same "faction" Freya is part of in Norse mythology) she was the goddess of rejuvenation and she was the guardian of the apple of immortality that the gods had to eat to keep their youth.
In this case の should be considered a pair with は and it's only a verb nominalizer.
While I do agree that the title was deliberately translated that way to attract more readers I also have to say that 出会い does mean encounter but I've learned it with the nuance that its primary meaning is to meet (by chance) and can also be used in a romantic setting, one of its listed meaning is "rendezvous", as opposed to 遭遇 which is also a verb that mean "to encounter" or "running into" but will not be used in a romantic setting (at least as far as I know).
Again not saying they were right to translate it that way (because I don't think they were) but I do think they had some grounds to do that, I guess you could say seeking romantic encounters and picking up girls are somewhat close to one another.
I don't remember it word for word as it has been a long time since I've read it now but that's basically what he told her, he did not regret admiring her since the beginning, etc. I could read this part again if you want strong confirmation but it really wasn't much more than him dropping on his knees crying and saying that to her.
If the deep floors exploration is merely the prologue then SO13 and SO14 would take place days and weeks after DM18, then wouldn't that mean SO13 (still being the other side of DM19 as intended back in 2021) would spoil us directly the future of the story and SO14 even more.
And Lefiya changing her look is probably important enough that it would be shown instead of indicating a time skip and not actually showing in the present why she chose to change.
I guess you're right and we'll see but looking at it like that I don't really see why a time skip would be done, I mean the tweet was made weeks after DM17, he probably didn't know DM18 wouldn't release for another two years and at the time earnestly thought SO13 being the other side of DM19 was a realistic idea.
Quick edit to clarify my position: I don't think SO needs to always be the other side of MS and that SO13 should absolutely not skip Freya's arc because I want to see it being recounted once more but from Loki's POV, but I do think there is enough time that went by since SO12 and the current time to have a story separated from the MS, we could see in real time the change happen in Lefiya, how she dealt with losing Filvis and took responsibility as future head mage of the familia, that's why I think a time skip wouldn't be a good idea in this case because depending on how Omori plays it having the change be explained through flashbacks wouldn't be good in my opinion, also since SO14 is set to release a month after SO13 would seem to imply that it would be a direct continuation of it (almost like DM13 and 14) but I could be wrong on that.
It probably is, I don't think he would release the other side of vol 19 before actually releasing it, the tweet is nearly two years old he probably changed his mind since then.
Astraea Record title was 英雄譚.
Argonaut title seems to be 偉大冒険譚 which should be something like Epic (+Tale?), the name is literally "huge" "Great adventure" "Tale" so Epic could be a good way of translating it I think.
I won't question the choice of hero tale as a translation for 英雄譚 because I'm just not that good yet to question those things but looking around "Epic" also seems to be a way of translating it.
If not for a literal "Heroic Tale" wouldn't it be possible to just create a "Tale" category? I mean in both of those series name the common denominator is the 譚/Tale part.