Do you think royman is annoyed at hestia always getting the wind
Do you think someday royman will torn on hestia familia
Royman doesn’t even really care about that stuff. The guilds main focus is dungeon completion and OEBD. He probably finds the squabbles between familias annoying and just wants them cooled off rather quickly. If I remember right, he even said or implied that they should just give Freya Bell so they can move forward with this and let it be done.
Do you think another familia will try to touch hestia familia or they are become a sort of boogie man if you touch them you will hurt pretty badly
Do you think another familia war could happen on hestia familia side
Other familias don’t necessarily attack Hestia familia but they do attack or try to kidnap Haruhime now. Everyone saw her powers and they either want her power or want to assassinate her so that power no longer can exist. Haruhime now always has a bodyguard with her at all times, this also includes some Freya familia members that guard her too. Hestia familia, kind of, took down Freya familia, so no, they probably won’t ever be challenged to a wargame again.
Lasty will loki familia bring hestia + freya familia on their adventure on the dungeon
The very next adventure? No. The next adventure looks like it will take place in SO and Hestia familia will be doing their own thing while that is going on. Will it eventually happen? Yes. Bell wants to complete the dungeon and the only possible way for him to do that is unite the familias, so Freya and Loki familia, in order to defeat the dungeon. Hestia familia can’t and will not solo the dungeon. Obviously Omori is a trash writer and a bottom of the barrel writer, so maybe they do solo the dungeon because of the underdog bull shit, but who knows.
My bad, Bell would beat Alfia in 4 and half seconds, with ease of course.
Bell one shots Alfia with ease, fight will last maybe 3 and half seconds.
Yeah the Ais thing was completely blown out of proportion and the way Ottar worded it in English made complete sense. I think people have to get it out of their heads that Ais owes Bell when he has literally done nothing for her. Avenging Alberts death and taking back her mother being a priority over everything else for Ais is definitely in character for her. I will admit, its easier to understand all of this if you have read SO and had that prior knowledge, like the example that you used from SO with her picking up the sword.
“If anything, it actually helps out their case when this season airs because Ais basically gets publicly “executed” at the end of the season lmao🤣.“
Dude, I don’t think people understand how true this is going to end up being. So many Ryuu fans were crying about the author making Ais look good in volume 17, he basically said “hold my beer” to those Ryuu fans and executed Ais on the spot in volume 18.😂
Weren't those guys anime only on here that was calling her a villian of this arc once they found out about what happens in season 5? Freya got bailed out by Ais I guess for them lol.
@Angelo Gabrini “What "different dynamic" are you talking about? She's literally become the exact same as a handful of other characters.”
The different dynamic I was referring to was their relationship reminding me of Bell and Ais. Ais seeing her relationship with Bell as more of a master/disciple and Bells side being romantically interested in Ais. So I guess not “different” but would be considered “new” in Hestia familia.
“I can guarantee you that Oomori will make her unbearable like the rest of them“
I mean you’re probably not going to be wrong considering Omori is a clown when he writes but I haven’t really seen any possessive tendencies yet out of Nina. All I can really hope for is she ends up being like my queen, Haruhime. But I do understand not everyone can be like Haruhime since that would mean you would have to actually have a heart and care for others feelings instead of your own.
I think it would be cool but the odds of lauriel joining are very low. The only way I see it happening is if she gets her own small arc but I just don’t see that happening. Nina will be cool once she joins since she brings a different dynamic to the Hestia familia and also I think her feelings for Bell won’t make her unbearable like 3 of the 4 that are already in Hestia familia. Which makes me excited if that happens because that means we got another Haruhime!!
Ah gotcha
@AbigailWilliams2020 no wonder you take breaks from this place lmao.
What? So Haruhime, Mikoto, Lillie, and Welf are going to be officially removed from the story?
Personally, everything was fine in volume 18 besides the double level up. I get you want to make a character relevant as much as possible or everyone will quit the series, but he could have done it in a different way.
Lol no we just aren't going to worship Omori like some god who could never ever write something bad. That was just bad writing.
I knew you would like that one Abigailwilliams2020 lmao.
"Easy turbo, she has to have Ryuu popularity first. Haruhime might be more popular than Ais, but she is no where near Ryuu’s popularity to get that level boost that she got in volume18."
HEY! It's going to happen alright! I'm going all on in on that voting next time and single handily carry Haruhime over Ryuu! Just you watch LMAO.
Ah if you go through development, you can level up a bunch of times, gotcha. My girl Haruhime is going to be level 10 by the end of the series baby!!!! All it takes is development!!!!
lmao it was just a relevancy thing @ThatRabidPotato, but you keep telling yourself that.
lmao damn, if all that equaled a double level up for Ryuu, why isn’t Ais level 10 by now? All it was was just a ploy to keep her as relevant as possible in the story. Bell was getting to a point where he is going to need stronger people around him. You would obviously think Loki familia and than author screaming his head off saying no so he had to pull strings to not let that happen.
It’s a fairly easy situation to understand. It wasn’t about all what Ryuu has done and culminating into this double level up. Ais would literally be like level 8 or 9 if we applied Ryuu logic to Ais. It was just about trying to keep popular cast members around Bell relevant. Bell was starting to out grow the cast around him and so the Ryuu double level up happens. Now it won’t just be Bell carrying Hestia familia, Ryuu will help him do that now. Let’s be honest @StinkyPete12 , after the stunt with Ryuu, Haruhime is totally getting level 6 before the series ends. She’s going to be on the same playing field as Ais here soon.🤣
I enjoy seeing people smoke a bunch of dope and trying to explain the double level up like there is actual Rymn and reason to it besides relevancy.
@Leinad91 "I had never been accused of being a hater, let alone Ais. Nothing is further from reality."
After volume 18? You are definitely in the Ais hater category. Still mad Bell doesn't posses your own beliefs???? You were crying pretty hard about that.
"his inheritance as the sole survivor of the Zeus and Hera families."
And this matters why??? The dragon didn't kill his mother, dad, Zeus, or Alfia. Seems like a weird cause for total strangers don't you think?
"The idea that I was arguing is that each of these 3 points are important and we have no way of knowing which one would weigh more than which, but you, in your radical fanaticism for Ais, assert that point 3 (Ais's) weighs 80% , which is clearly false, because it is certain that without this point, Bell would still want to face the dragon for the other 2 points."
Lmfao seems a bit contradictory on your part don't you think?
"Anyway, I give up on you, talking to you about Ais is like talking to IkariSon about Hogni, if one doesn't think that your favorite character is the best in everything, it's because one is a hater or because one hasn't read the novels..."
Jesus you said you have been on here for 2 years yet you don't know that @AbigailWilliams2020 favorite character is Freya and that he defends her all the time too, especially when volume 17 came out and emiya was all butt hurt about what Freya did even though she had her fucking reasons. Last time i knew, abigail actually ships Ais with someone else that isnt even fucking Bell lmfao. Noone and Abigailwilliams are the easiest ones to remember on this wiki because they normally wear their favorite characters on their sleeves.
@Leinad91 Bell asked if it was so truly wrong to want to divulge in love with Freya. He was feeling it for Freya, thanks to the sandbox she had created. So Bell was starting to only see Freya. Which means Bell was starting to fall, romantically, for Freya due to the fake world she was creating around him. She was the only source of warmth, comfort, and love that he had in this “fake world”. Yet Freya was expecting Liaris Freese to break and not redirect towards her, even though Bell was starting to see Freya in the same light as Ais.
So the author was already hinting that Liaris is only connected to Ais. But in the IF, he ended up spelling it out for fans so it was easier to understand.
@Leinad91 Go reread the Freya arc man. If it could switch, don’t you think Freya would have done that in the first place then? I mean Bell was close to falling for Freya because of the sandbox that she created. But Freya anticipated Liaris Freese breaking, not redirecting it back at her. Freya understood Liaris Freese very well too.
Go read the Freya arc again.
@YukizeroNe The ones that will quite following the series are the ones with zero reading comprehension skills. The skill came to be because of Aiz, so logically speaking, it should go away once Bell drops Aiz. You know, the person who the skill was derived from? This is simple math, I don’t get why it’s so complicated for people to understand. I think the author has done a great job dumbing it down quite considerably in the Freya arc for fans.
What Ryuu fans are mad about is that the author closed the door on her in the main series with this IF. But wasn’t this obvious before the IF came out? I mean logically speaking, an IF indicates it isn’t happening in the canon series correct? Simple deduction right? They can cry and whine all they want about the ending, but we know that’s not why most of them are mad. They like to say it’s the ending and that’s why they are mad, but it really isn’t that. Let’s say if the author kept Liaris Freese the way it is and it got redirected at Ryuu once Bell fell out of love with Ais. Ok, still following? What would come to mind instantly for the majority of Ryuu fans? “Oh, that means Bell can get with Ryuu in the canon series because he can change who Liaris Freese is directed at!!” This is what the author was most likely trying to avoid. Trust me, Ryuu fans are the easiest fans to read since most, not all, don’t understand the story at all.
The author still gave the Ryuu’s fans a lot of cute things in the IF, everything they could have dreamed of. So people are overreacting over nothing. Bell and Ryuu are together in the IF and even have the blessings of the people they care about, for the most part at least, I’m not sure on Hestia yet. You even have Astrea who is excited about seeing their babies. So why be mad over stupid crap that has so much logic and text to backing up the inevitable? Oh no, everyone is going to die now. So? The author already implied that Ryuu and Bell would be reunited again. Hell, maybe Ryuu and Bell run away and just let everyone die. I mean, Subaru and Rem did it? So who cares?
In short, Ryuu fans are just mad about the IF closing the door on her chances in the canon series. Which… is kind of weird… because you know? An IF doesn’t come out for a character who is going to end up with the main character anyways… I thought this was self explanatory? You guys are going to still get plenty of screen time and fan service with Bell, you just aren’t going to get Ryuu x Bell at the end, which has been explained I think 100,000 times through books 1-18? Give or take. Volumes 1-14 of SO explains this too. Hopefully this IF gets rid of the low IQ toxic Ryuu fans that have been plaguing this wiki for awhile now and just keep the ones with high IQ that just absolutely adores her character since obviously she is a wonderful character, and the ones that have good reading comprehension skills. I don’t mind Ryuu fans, I just hate the ones that don’t understand the story at all and then make claims on a character, Aiz, that they have zero understanding on. Those are the ones that need to go and quit the series. So hopefully the IF finally correct this and than we can have the really intelligent Ryuu fans that just simply enjoy her character the most but don’t expect the story to change for her just because they like her and want her to be “happy”. I mean fuck Bell right? Who cares about how he feels, let’s just ignore his feelings.
I apologize for being harsh but I felt like this needed to be said. Especially after some of the Ryuu fans that came through here, got banned for being toxic, and now harass the author with letters.