71 Votes in Poll
"Season 5 is released"
Not going to happen, to obvious at this point in time.
"Ais arc eventually gets published."
What? In the year 2030? Its far to late for that, nothing is going to change peoples minds at this point. Anime canon anyways, Ais arc wont be in it and it will have a better ending than the poorly written LN. He wont make money off of her arc anyways compared to his other ones cough cough MS 13 and 14 cough cough. So be realistic.
"Oomori loves his characters but he's not dumb enough to completely ignore what he's written."
He can change it if he wants. He was going to in volume 14 but got cold feet at the time, so nothing is set in stone. Literally Liaris Freese doesn't state anything about Ais in particular because all Bell has to do is be in love and that's it. Doesn't specifically say who. So obviously the story can be changed LMAO. Cant even believe I have to explain that.
"It's just going to be another non canon side story like the Artemis movie."
LMAO It will be canon because its going to be in the anime.
"Are you going to send death threats?"
Why would I have too? I know how the anime is going to end. You need to learn one thing, the anime entertains the majority of fans interest because it needs to make money and I hate to tell you, Ais is FAR from entertaining or interesting to any fan of the anime. Why don't you see her get a movie or something to push her out there since she cant be in the LN uh? Yeah exactly. If they really actually cared about the story and her character in particular, they would do as much as they do for the other characters. Again, I don't understand why I have to explain the so obvious crap.
Yes but that wouldn’t happen since Freya has actually shown that she can share if it has to happen, where as Ais is in search of something that her mother had. That is why I want Bell to choose harem because it guarantees that Ais won’t be in it because of her own desires and also because of people like Riveria who would veto it since she wants someone that is dedicated to her autistic child.
Im not worried though, harem will happen and I will get what I want.
Lmao harem means no Ais, she wants her own glorified “happy” ending with someone that she can call her very OWN hero. So that’s why harem NEEDS to happen so Ais will write Bell off as taken and move on to something like bete or someone and the other girls get what they deserve. Or Ais just dies at the end too, that would be good also XD.
I actually agree with that, harem is far better! It keeps Ais completely out of Bells love life, thank god, and gives the more deserving girls what they deserve.
She is and no way Bell doesn’t find a way to be with her. She is to important to him to not find a way to be with her.
"At one point in time, Ais was definitely the main heroine of this story but now I think she has become a secondary character at most."
She was never the main heroine, no screen time equals no main heroine, simple as that. Hestia without question is the main heroine of Danmachi.
Everything else I agree with and I am also glad that I am seeing way more people see what I am seeing as well. Even some people in the trailer comments are seeing the same thing. This season will be the nail in the coffin for Ais' character and we can finally get onto some better and more worth while characters than an revenge driven, autistic speaking, character like Ais. After this season airs and the author realizes the money that can be made off of the other worth while and more compelling characters, we should be seeing some drastic changes in the upcoming LN's. Probably Ais rejecting Bell, than he gets depressed and moves onto some one else that actually has value and will be with them. He will still handle OEBD since its in his nature to save and protect but he will already be with someone else and wont think much of Ais at that point.
We are on a hot streak dude, Danmemo unit coming out that symbolizes the out cry of the fan bases desires, a season that will be the biggest out of them all and Ais isn't even it it, Ais still not any where near the MS currently and that wont change any time soon, buckle up....this is going to be EXCITING time for the majority of the fan base!!! Goodbye Ais!!
Edit;;; I'll link you the trailer that I am talking about on your message wall, read the comments its great XD. This message will probably get deleted since they cant handle the truth but Ill explain on your message wall if it does.
Not putting her in DanMemo doesn't really matter. The events are basically ideas that he wants to make but can't in the main series.
It does when you, as the author, are aware of how much Ais is disliked/unpopular in the fan base. Yet he doesn't try to change any of this, he doesn't even have the editors breathing down his back in Danmemo so you would think he would use that to his advantage but he doesn't. I think that is pretty telling don't you agree? Omori out here thinking he is going to win over 80% of the fanbase with Ais' arc alone XD. Dream big Omori.
And why is season 4 gonna bring more hate to Ais, according to you? Yeah, she doesn't appear, but that is no reason to hate her.
Well according to me, yes, but more still of an overall consensus of people who have been waiting for this very season, this very moment, to put the nail in the coffin for Ais' character. Right now, if you think about it, people already have started to dislike her in the anime only community because of what happened in season 3 with Weine. Than you tack on Ais not being there to help Bell when he needs it the most right after that? But a different heroine who actually has the full support of the fanbase is there to help him? Yeah, its completely over for Ais' character. You will than have majority of Light Novel readers AND anime only watchers completely hating Ais at this point. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it XD!! I cant wait to post my memes that have been saving for this very season!!
If Oomori had really given up on Ais he wouldn't have her still be Bell's goal, he wouldn't have had Bell think of her when rejecting Freya, he wouldn't have had her be the one to restore Bell hopes nor Bell crying and being grateful that he fell in love with her.
Oomori may have followed a terrible advice, but it is clear Ais is still his heroine at the end of the day. If she wasn't she would simply not have been a major factor in helping Bell resist Freya's attempts to make him hers.
This is plot and doesn't make sense since Ais isn't around Bell for majority of the series. I don't care for this scene as it doesn't make sense, it was just Omori's poor writing skills showing up was all.
Ais is a very important presence on this if it wasn’t for her existence to Bell’s heart the boy would be a sex doll to Freya.
It is the presence on his special skill and love for her that makes him immune to her power.
I don’t want to hear that Ais isn’t important the boy during volume 17 would be nothing but a sex slave to her stripped of his free will.
This doesn't matter once Freya pulls out the favor she has on Ais and turns her against Bell. A sorry wont cut it from Ais, and if does, its just Omori's poor writing skills popping up once again is all. Like people celebrating this scene is just ridiculous to me. Ais didn't have any involvement with bell for 3 straight cucking volumes, not even a word said to each other through that span, yet she is the one who "saves" him? He has far DEEPER bonds with others than Ais, and dont give me the "well she has a deep attachment towards Bell", we all know the dragon is the ONLY thing that matters to her. If she had to pick the dragon or Bell, she would pick the dragon, Bell would be a complete after thought to her. Ais wont be able to resist Freya's favor if obtaining more power is involved, lowkey, Ais might actually forget Bell exist entirely if that gets thrown on the table by Freya. This just shows how shitty her character really is.
Its just hilarious how little Ais fans have to cling to that ends up being plot or poor writing on Omori's part. Like how do you guys even do it? XD
They have put some attempt at "putting Ais out there" on Danmemo.
This just makes me laugh honestly, the events that she been spotlighted in, nobody cares about. When we talk about Anniversary in Danmemo, that's the big one. Why? Because its the one that majority of fans watch/read even if they don't play the game itself, hell even if it isn't canon, its still the big one that everyone wants to watch. Ais, the supposed "main heroine", has literally been in one and wasn't even spotlighted in it. We are now going on 5 anniversaries written by the author and he still doesn't give her the spot light in a single one, even NON CANON ones he doesn't do anything with her lollll. He knows she doesn't sell well, he knows she isn't well liked among the majority of the fan base, he knows all these things but doesn't try to fix it. I for one believe its a wrap on Ais' character and they have basically given up on her. I don't blame them either, she is a pretty boring character to say the least.
And I know, Omori is not a good writer either, I mean his supposed "main heroine" doesn't even appear 3/4 of the time in the main story, yet he calls her his "main heroine" lol. We are going to have a season 4 for the anime with Ais not in it, and this author still says she is his "main heroine". Like dude, get a grip, Ais is far from a main heroine status. Season 4 alone is going to add even more hate onto Ais' character, and I CANT WAIT LONG ENOUGH FOR IT! Omori will do what's right and change the trajectory of the story at some point, I mean how many Ais fans is he going to have to worry about? 10,000 give or take lollll?
Hey, I still believe a good ending for Ais is dying at the end and being reunited with her late parents. Even though I hate Ais, I still have some remorse for her character XD.
@Unlimits25 People say she is but she has no screen time, no presence within the story besides a few pages here and there, Hestia is basically the main heroine of this story at this point in time. I know why Ais doesn't have screen time but that is the author/editors fault and they have made no attempt to push Ais out there to fans on Danmemo or even a non-canon movie. So she is basically a side character with no real importance to the story besides her dedicated arc in the future. She is kind of a forgettable character so that's why I say she is a side character AT BEST. You can tell the author and editors have kind of went away from even attempting to make her likeable to the fan base since they know 80% of the fan base don't really care about her or just straight up hate her like me and there are far better characters than her.
I do just because I hate her character lol.
I am glad she isn't the main heroine of this story or I would absolutely hate this story.
I am also glad Bell gravitates towards harem and not Ais because honestly, the only good thing about her is her looks which isn't enough to save her character overall for me. Harem for the win, that means no Ais which also means I die a happy man. Thank god for Ais' stupid preferences.
Riveria is a good character, she fits her role very well, so I cant knock you for liking her.
Bell and Hedin, anything with Ais in it is just nauseating and trash to me lol.
Or better yet, lets keep Ais out of it entirely. She sucks as a character and even the author knows it too, I mean we are about to go on 5 straight anniversaries without out her being the focal point of any anniversary story in Danmemo, thank cucking god too lol. What's even more funny is that Bell is going to probably be a certain someone's fiancé in that said anniversary that's coming up, BUT where is Ais in this upcoming anniversary??? Oh I forgot, probably sitting in the trash can where she belongs. Ill just tack on another L on for you Ais fans lol.
Man, Ais fans just taking L after L. Honestly, how do you guys do it? Well I guess the "wait for her arc" thing does keep their heads a little above water. Well at least Ais fans will win one little battle in Ais' arc but that's all the author is going to give them lollll.
It has to suck for Ais fans though, she doesn't want to be in a harem, she wants to have something like her father and mother did and Bell seems to be leaning towards harem since, you know, that is the correct way to go lol. Hey, maybe Ais will die at the end and she can be reunited with her parents lol. That should give you guys some comfort for the ending of the series. GGs though, its always fun seeing Ais fans lose every single time something is released for Danmachi.
I don't understand why I see this question a lot, I mean does it really matter? These 2 aren't going to be together so her rejecting him isn't a big blow to him at all. It will hurt at first but that's about it.
Her popularity with fans is atrocious and she is barely in the story as it is, she is just going to be a one arc girl and be done. It will be towards the end when she gets that arc since she is more connected the dragon but she will most likely die at the end during that said arc, she will probably be like Artemis tbh.
She is not the main heroine of the Bell story either, if you go from volumes 1-16, she is no where close to main heroine status.
I can see it being Hestia and Bell together or Ryuu and Bell together but Ais and Bell make the least bit of since with how current events have played out so far. She will be important for 2-4 books in total for the main story and that's it. Bells love for her is very flimsy and that's putting it lightly too, he has developed better bonds with other girls, its only a matter of time before he gets over her or just goes with harem.
Ais will get an arc for herself but her character is far to gone and it wont recover in popularity compared to the other girls. You can tell the author really doesn't like Ais' character anymore compared to the other characters. I mean she basically isn't even the main heroine of her "own story' anymore, its hilarious too.
Ill give Ais fans one thing though, she did have good potential at first, but she is just completely out classed by several different girls in this story now. Ais' arc will NOT fix this either, her character has been reduced to a 2 to 4 book girl and that's it. She is just a normal character at this point, she just has nothing going for her now besides "her arc" and its far to late to win Bell from other girls at this point in time. Or at least for it to make sense to majority of fans.
RIP Ais fans, it was a good run for 4 or 5 books.
Sorry for the long response but I had to vent a little, I just think its absurd but also hilarious at the same time that fans think Bell and Ais is still a thing to the author.
@AbigailWilliams2020 There just has been to many red flags that say Freya does go after Ais. I think if Ais and Bell have a moment during volume 18 in front of her.......well.......lets just say its not going to be pretty....
I mean we all saw what she did to Ishtar after she tried to seduce and claim Bell from Freya (out of spite).
If Ais also ignores Freya favor (that is IF she hasn't already because there is a chance that Freya already pulled the favor on Ais but rejected it and we wont see it until volume 13 of SO) Its not going to be good for Ais only because I think including Hestia, Freya is another one that knows that if Ais understands her feelings for Bell and acts upon them....Bell will belong to Ais' completely with out question. This will make Freya even more crazy than what she is right now....
I think Freya is playing a dangerous game right now, Loki familia and Bell are very much attached to Ais and if Freya tries to harm her.......well we will just have to wait and see LMAO.
@Otaku4469 its not out of the realm of possibility since I don't think the Loki familia would care and Hestia always says she would (but I highly doubt she would actually be against it). The only thing that makes it difficult for it to happen is well......Ais. She still has her priorities and revenge (feels like Sasuke and Sakura but roles reversed LMAO) now her younger self is gone currently during MS so.....this actually could be a completely different Ais we are talking about and I just could be flat out wrong. Ais would need A LOT of help from Tiona and Riveria, Bell will need A LOT of help from Hermes (I know ridiculous but he was the one that landed the dance with Ais for Bell) and Eina (big sister). For any dating to be possible both of them need a lot of help from certain people......
The kissing part you are right, that is completely out of the realm of possibility right now...
If Ais was the one that initiated it, Bell would be in a coma for at least a month maybe more.
If Bell was the one that initiated it, Ais would probably knock Bell out as it was out of force of habit always dealing with Loki and than gives Bell a lap pillow until he wakes up.
LOL it would show how little Bells feelings actually matter to her if she ended up making sure to cockblock his happiness with Ais. The only reason they even do it is because they know that if Ais develops strong romantic feelings for Bell......than it is game over (why do you think Freya is going completely overboard right now?) I am just curious to see if there will be a massive development moment in volume 18 for them....if they fight Ottar together (even if they lose) I think that will be a HUGE development for them. If they train together before wargame (alone) than there is a chance of Ais asking Bell if he meant what he said to her while she was charmed. Those are the only two scenarios that I can think of as of right now (within Ais comfort zone) that can happen and include a massive development moment for Bell and Ais and get a good head start on Ais arc next.
That is the only thing that still gives me hope on Ryu not turning out to be like Hestia and Lillie....She values her Friends A LOT and now that she knows Bell is in love with someone already....will she except that and not interfere or will she just be like Hestia and Lillie and cockblock EVERYTHING? I am ok with her cockblocking amazons because personally I think those scenes are hilarious! But if she cockblocks Ais......I WILL FLIP MY SH*** because Ais doesn't have perverted or nefarious intentions when it comes to Bell. All her moments with Bell are wholesome and kind of adorable because both are young and not very good at understanding romance and so there interactions are always gold to the purest of forms of love.
@Noon123 Yeah.....we will have to see because it looks like now we have 3 girls that are going to be doing that constantly now (Hestia, Lillie and now Ryu). After chapter 1 of volume 17, Ryu is going to be freaking annoying just like Hestia and Lillie which makes me sad because I actually liked Ryu until that chapter.
71 Votes in Poll
Yeah probably a lap pillow or something to that affect, or even if/when they train together before wargame, Ais will give Bell his first lap pillow without having to be knocked out maybe.
Hmmm dating and kissing? Wishful thinking, because Ais needs way more development to actually go that far with Bell. It will eventually happen but I don't think there is enough time left during Freya arc to actually go that far IMO.
Plus with the favor from Ais to Freya hanging in the balance next volume, I cant see there being enough time for Ais and Bell to get that far especially with the collar that Freya has around Ais neck currently. (unless Freya actually already pulled the favor on Ais during this arc but we don't find out until volume 13 of SO and we come to find out that Ais denied Freya and told her she would never go against Bell and Freya tells her "have it your way" and charms Ais making her the actual first person to be charmed by Freya before charming all of Orario).
I don't think the favor will hurt to much with overall Ais x Bell ship because even if Freya ordered Ais to do something unthinkable to Bell or his familia, Bell will still love her no matter what and would forgive Ais 1000 times over (Sasuke/Sakura relationship). That is a safe assumption to make since we already had Ais go against Bell during Xenos arc and Bell never changed his relationship with Ais (still wanted to be with her desperately) and Ais became even more attached to Bell after that arc as well. (even calling Bells eyes beautiful after checking to make sure the look in his eyes didn't change since the first day they meant)