Cassandra could be another case of soul power, since her prophecy ability isn't in her status if I'm not mistaken
Didn't the author even stated that haruhime exist to defeat the OEBD because everyone is still to weak. He wouldn't state that if there wouldn't be a big fight in the future.
Well it's not as if Zeus and Hera captain took another eye from it and injured it badly, and then the dragon killed them, of course Aria who had a child with her husband didn't love him and is protecting the dragon that killed her hero and friends makes so much sense. Zeus and Hera main forces were wiped out how should Zeus find out that OEBD is a Xenos after that. They still would not disban. Ais said that OEBD took Aria not that she went with him. Why would Aria need to protect a monster that took out the strongest character in the series if it can kill them all instead of taking care of her child. Aria was said to be kind and brought everyone a smile, I doubt she would do something so stupid as to protect the dragon instead of holding her promise with ais to be always with her. Ais even wanted to be like her mother. And no one would feel guilty for and monster who killed her loved ones just because of an eye. Everyone died in the battle there is a reference that their weapons were one the ground like Graves and even her fathers weapon. Even if that thing was to be a Xenos why didn't ais notice anything besides being there and no matter what happens she wouldn't forgive the OEBD, she even developed a skill for that. In the ancient times monster kept coming out of the dungeon if only strong monster were to escape from the dungeon, then why would there be the goblins who nearly killed bell as a kid. The reason why monster do not leave the dungeon is because of ouranos sends prayer to the dungeon to keep monster inside the dungeon and ouranos came after Alberts death.
I think the author stated that the whole Zeus familia is dead and there is also zald and alfia's wish, to creat a hero who can kill the OEBD. Also why should Zeus and Hera disban because they attack that. Alfia said that the two captains where killed by it and I doubt the two Familias would say oh sorry we attacked you and let you kill our captains as an apology we will disban. Albert is the husband of Aria and she loved him just because they attacked him and injured his eye she wouldn't forgive him for killing her husband and all her friends and not to speak of protecting him. Also every monster tried to get to the surface the Xenos aren't special because of that. There are still monster out there and they aren't Xenos.
Do you use a translator and did you read the summary of volume 17. There will be a war game because they don't want an all out war. And you completely misunderstand what Familia myth is.
Nobody is going to be satisfied with anything besides a big fight! The readers won't and the characters in ln. Nobody wants to see them holding hands! And it's name is the great faction war in it's name there is literally the word "war" so there gotta be a fight. These are not the Olympics who is gonna win a race to the new floor.
Nobody said it's gonna be a castle siege
In the end of chapter 5 it revalved that in the future it is known as the great faction war. Besides that I don't think anyone would be satisfied with playing around after they got brainwashed. Everyone was pissed and they won't end it without a fight.
Well it's called the great faction war
In volume 15 afterword, the author said to wait a little longer for the strongest heorin (Ais) arc.