We already saw in previous volumes that Freyas passive charm is enough to make people act as if “their soul left their bodies”. Her active charm was capable of making that army in Episode Freya kill themselves, no questions asked. Omori had to make Zard and Alfia immune to her charm or otherwise Freya could literally have soloed Astrea Record. And even then, she was a priority target. Clearly there is a consistent theme with her capabilities.
As for other gods, as Ishtar and Aphrodite show, not all of them posses the same level of “proficiency” in their area of expertise. They are still skilled waaaay beyond normal mortal limits, but the levels vary between gods. I.e, Dionysus being able to make Wine that even Soma was jealous of, or Freya overwritting Ishtars charm, or Aphrodite being stated as a weaker beauty goddess.
Fact is, these special areas where each god excel at , even without arcanum, have been established since the early volumes, and certainly before volume 17. And furthermore, just because Freya is that powerful, doesn’t mean all other god’s abilities on earth scale exactly to that level. In fact, in Aedes Vesta we learn about “Greater Gods” which are implied to hold either more power or more prestige in their pantheon.
Weird to see you back here Drake, finally finished actually reading the series? Or nitpicking just based on summaries?