37 Votes in Poll
Really? No more funny names for Hestia? And I thought we were bonding...
But yeah best not to think about any connections between the gods and them being accurate representations from mythology. Especially considering just how messed up they tend to be in mythology. You're better off thinking of them as 'loosely adapted' from mythology. Like a movie based on a book that only takes the character names and setting then changes everything else.
Hahahahahaha Worstia and Chestia. Hmmmm how about Jealousia? Not-A-Chance-ia? Give-it-up-ia?
True. Which I actually agree is a dumb decision. Did we actually just agree on Something? I've often thought that he should have also gotten quick barrier and healing spells that can also be boosted by Argonaut. Like, Bell being able to just pull up a personal barrier mid-battle to block an attack would really work with his quick fighting style. Add in quick healing and he'd be true all-rounder. But yeah as you said "It's just Firebolt until the end."
@ThatRabidPotato @Leinad91 Sooo I think I've been miss-quoted a bit here. I've never actually said that they should delay or pause the rescue mission so that Bell can train. I've repeatedly said things like "it will take XX days to prepare the rescue mission so Bell should power level in that time" or most recently "Royman will try to block or delay the rescue missions out of fear of losing the rest of the fighting force so Bell should power level in that time". Of course getting the rescue mission to sit there twiddling their thumbs while Bell trains is a dumb idea. My point is getting Bell to use the inevitable prep time to rank up since running straight to floor 60 and facing that monster at level 5 is suicide
Further to this, @ThatRabidPotato the way you reason the urgency of rescue missions here seems flawed. Like in real life if you saw someone fall into a river you'd probably dive right in after them and drown too rather than thinking it through and throwing them a rope. Or if you see a bunch of people collapsed in a sealed room you'd run straight in and pass out too rather than stop and think that maybe there was a gas leak and you should call for help. Sometimes stopping, thinking and planning IS the quickest and best way to respond in an emergency situation. Just running in blindly is a good way to get yourself killed.
But in all seriousness, because of how bad things look I'm leaning towards the rescue mission at minimum being delayed by Royman. He'll try and save face, say he didn't want Loki Fam to go in the 1st place, say he doesn't want to risk anyone else, blah blah blah. He'll eventually get shut down and Bell will lead the charge. It all just depends on how long he delays and how well Bell utilises that time
@ThatRabidPotato Yeah... So then Royman getting in the way would give Bell time to get stronger and save the day... Then Royman would no doubt try to take credit for it by saying that was his plan all along
@ThatRabidPotato My point exactly. It's a very 'Royman' thing to do... Which will naturally piss everyone else off
Sooooo after seeing the pics for SO15 that were added to the summary page I'm starting to rethink how things are going to play out here. I've been (and likely everyone else has too) assuming that the corrupted spirit will be level 9, will have an army of monsters, and will have charm abilities that will take control of the vanguard and mid-guard, so only the supporters and read guard are able to escape. And so they re-group on the surface and rush to save them. Sound about right?
However, after seeing those new pics on the SO15 page... geez. Those things are nightmare fuel. The corrupted spirit is much worse than expected. The monsters look to be parasites that take control of hosts. And was it just me or did it look like the corrupted spirit was creating an army Ais clones while grinning in ecstasy? I'm thinking that once the guild gets all that info that they will straight-up refuse to send a rescue party at all. They may even block all access to the dungeon, or maybe just the floors beyond 18 or something.
It'd turn into a great big drama, the whole city would be panicked. Naturally Loki, Syr, Hephaestus, etc, would argue to save their people, Royman would argue against sacrificing the rest of Orario's fighting force. I could then see Bell off to the side and working on leveling up, gaining some OP skill, then showing it to Ouranos and then getting the go-ahead. Or something.
Anyway, in short, those new pics on the SO15 page makes the whole thing look a lot more dire than I expected so I can absolutely see Royman and guild completely banning a rescue mission and it being up to Bell as the Hero of the age to convince them otherwise.
@ThatRabidPotato Nah I haven't misunderstood Asterius. That's what I was referring to when I mentioned his 'winning personality'. Meaning he's all about the fighting Bell, not so much about the killing Bell. I don't know anything about the Peluda though since I haven't read that SS yet.
I still think Asterius will join the rescue though. Bell will fight him and win, but spare him, and then Bell will tell him to join the rescue mission. Whether that happens before the rescue mission and Bell levels up or it happens on the way down to floor 60 is anyone's guess.
@ThatRabidPotato Sooooo it's a bit like Asterios without his winning personality?
Sigh. Anyway, since the discussion is still going here I guess I'll add my 2 cents about the lower level members too. I'm pretty sure that the Xenos are going to be part of the rescue party too and that will also be how the wider Orario find out about them. They have members that could count as mounts and guards. Anyone else think it would be cool to see Lili commanding the forces from the back of a Unicorn? With Haruhime and Nina working their magic from the back of the Hippogriff dude (since they would need to stay together)? Maybe they could also have the new Level 6 Peluda as a bodyguard too? It'd be even better if Orario watched that through their magic mirror things... Like Lili and Haruhime are riding around the battlefield on the back of cool looking monsters while Orario just watch on completely dumb founded...
You know... sometimes I wonder why I bother making posts on this site. I posted 2x polls on here. One after the other. One was a more serious 'What do you expect to happen in the book' poll, one was a more fun 'what-if' type of poll, where we could just vote for what we wanted to see happen if we had more creative license or time.
Almost everyone ignored the serious poll and turned the 'what-if' poll into a serious debate, completely missing the point. I mean, can't people read? I thought that the titles and descriptions were pretty obvious... The serious debate should have happened on the serious poll and a fun/stupid discussion should have happened on the 'what-if' poll. Sigh. Maybe I need a break from this site...
Best case it would take them about a week to prepare. Loki would need to appeal to the gods. Both in general, and especially to Hestia, Syr and Ganesha. On top of fighting forces they would need potions, food, water, weapons, etc. AND it would need to be approved by the Guild. Loki fam barely even got permissions from Royman to go on the expedition in the first place. They were only approved on the condition that they had other familias join them. Now everything has gone to hell and they need to send more in there to save them. There's no way that's just going to be an instant thing.
Anyway, the point is, we're looking at, at least a week of prep time. No one has suggested putting the rescue mission on hold while Bell does some training. That's more than enough time for Bell to fight against both Ottar and Leon and rank up to 6. A real fight with the 2 of them would give him thousands of points in a day, especially if they were level boosted. The question then would be if he stops at level 6 or keeps going, and gets his re-match with Asterius right before they team heads out
@Efficient-430 Dude this is the 'WANT' poll. Meaning what you'd WANT to see happen. Meaning this is more of a 'what-if' or fantasy type of poll. There's a 2nd poll for the logical arguments or what you'd actually reasonable expect to happen. Further to that, Bell should have already met the level-up requirements after the war game, fight with Leon and the dragon battle. All he needs to at least reach level 6 is a day of getting beat up by Leon and Ottar to boost his stats before ranking up. Any rescue mission to floor 60 is going to take a few days at best to organise, even in an emergency
This is one of two polls on the same topic. This is how you WANT the story to go. What do you actually really want, or hope will actually happen in the story?
This is one of two polls on the same topic. This is how you THINK or expect the story to go. What do you think will actually happen in the story?
37 Votes in Poll
19 Votes in Poll
Sooooo I'm pretty sure I've worked out why Syr suddenly agreed to send some forces with Loki fam on the expedition. It's so that she's motivated to send the rest of her forces on the rescue mission...
Weeeelll that's the justification from a narrative perspective anyway. Now she needs to save her people along with Loki's. And so far we know that Hedin and Allen at least stayed behind. No word on Ottar yet
They really need to rank him up before he heads to floor 60. It'd require way too much plot armour if he was only level 5. Level 6 with a new OP skill fits better