How does liares freese work? Did he really turn on Ais?
How does liares freese work? Did he really turn on Ais?
Will hestia family have new members in volume 19?
@AP24 We will only have the answer about ryu in volume 19 probably. ?
looks like Ryu joining the hestia family. it will probably be in vol.19. ?
any chance that bell and ryu SS confirm ryu in HF?
what do you think will be Ryu's future after vol 18? I'm using the translator sorry for anything
@ThatRabidPotato Thank you for clarifying my doubts about ryuu.
@ThatRabidPotato If you confirm ryu's entry into the hestia family only volume 19 then it will take a long time. If we know anything by SO 13 . But it would be asking too much
I really want ryu's entry into the hestia family to be confirmed soon. I'll wait
@Kisaki Tosane So probably ryu had joined the hestia family. At the moment there just wasn't the scene of her getting together. thanks