DanMachi Wiki

Basram (バスラム) was a staff officer of the Apate Familia.


Basram was a middle-aged, heavily built man with a beard. He wore a priestly robe adorned with a mix of black and purple. His thin, slightly curved eyes were not only suspicious but also quite disturbing, surpassing the mere feeling given by those of an untrustworthy person. In his hand he carried a shakujō covered in blood.


Basram was a faithful and devoted follower of his Goddess, Apate. He followed her doctrine with extreme fanaticism and saw himself and the rest of his dependents as his apostles; members of a sacred heresy that would change the world with injustice. Because of this, he became upset if he felt that what he did went against her teachings. He didn't even care about other members of his familia, using one as a human shield on one occasion. His doctrine made him intolerant of those who overcame injustice, unreasonableness and all kinds of difficulties when walking the path of good, causing him to change his calm expression into one similar to that of a demon.


Superhuman Physical Prowess: Due to his falna, Basram's physical abilities were all superior compared to those of a normal person.

Superhuman Endurance: Basram remained focused enough to respond to an attack after being impaled with a spear and a sword and losing two fingers on his hand.

Enhanced Senses: As a Human Beast, Basram had very keen senses far better than those of most people. After acquiring his falna his senses sharpened even further.


Shakujō: Basram possessed a shakujō that allowed him to control the Spirit Soldiers.

Spirit Dagger (精霊の短剣): Basram had a Spirit Dagger to turn himself into a Spirit Soldier. However, even transformed Basram was not very powerful, having been quickly defeated by some very badly injured Gulliver Brothers.

