DanMachi Wiki

Beltane (ベルテーン) is a country that is several days away from Orario.


Beltane is a nation type Familia located in the middle of mountains. It is a small community and does not have a throne or a ruler, being more like a village than a country. They do not interact with other nations, so they have little information about the outside world, and external information about them is limited. It is also called the country of mist.

Its first inhabitants had a chronic hereditary disease, which caused them to have short lives, which is why they decided to settle there when they discovered the spring of life (生命の泉) whose water could heal wounds, restore resistance and heal diseases, allowing them to fight their disease. One day, a monster, which was named the Swamp King (沼の王), fell into the spring and attached to its source, absorbing its power for centuries and polluting it, becoming invincible. Despite this, due to their hereditary disease, its inhabitants could not leave the place.

Bheara arrived and told them of a ritual that consisted of crossing blood of multiple races to create a sacrifice that would develop a special magic capable of damaging the Swamp King, forcing it to sleep for several decades. The people of Beltane repeated the ritual for centuries and, even though they needed to filter it, they were able to continue drinking the water from the spring.

However, thanks to the efforts of Bell, Haruhime and their friends, its inhabitants were able to defeat the Swamp King and free Beltane.


Name Race Occupation Rank Level Status
Bheara God God God None Active
Uskari Elf Guardian of the Princess Bheara Familia Captain 4 Active
Lidari Human Guardian of the Princess Bheara Familia Vice-Captain At Least 4 Active
Talvi None Princess None 1 Active
Aaron Unknown Guardian of the Princess None 2 Active


