Bofman Fazur (ボフマン・ファズール) is the owner of the Fazur Trading Company.
When Freya met him, Bofman was a robust and fat human. His complexion was similar to that of Royman, although he was taller and wider, in addition to having a beard which, along with his tanned skin and turban, it made Freya think that he looked like a resident of the desert.
However, after his punishment by the executives of the Freya Familia, he believed that his appearance was unsightly, so he opted to change, acquiring a muscular and handsome look. He also cut his beard until leaving only a small mustache.
Bofman is a skilled and insightful merchant. His skillfulness, combined with his greed and lecherous nature, caused Freya to describe him as the perfect representation of a merchant. He also tended to talk a lot and had a penchant for showing off.
However, after his punishment he became more serious and formal, and even his tone changed. He also lost his lecherous nature, as when Freya offered him to spend the night with her he politely declined, declaring that he was not worthy to be called by her.