Episode Miach (エピソード・ミアハ) is a short story included in the compilation of special stories from the main series released as part of the 5th Anniversary Campaign of DanMachi.
As a gift for buying a product of his familia, Miach gently placed a flower in the hair of a young girl and with some sweet words and a captivating smile asked her to return. Overwhelmed by her emotions, she declared that she would definitely come back to see him.
As he watched her leave he heard Naaza called him out and explained that the girl had definitely misinterpreted his words, adding that he flirted with any woman no matter who she was. He argued that displays of kindness were important for future business relationships, but she simply replied that he was still insensitive.
The Chienthrope was annoyed that he understood anything, but was surprised to feel him patting her head. Miach admitted he was not good at understanding a woman's heart, so he was indeed insensitive. When his dependent asked him to pet her head more, Miach complied with her request and smiled bitterly as her tail wagged excitedly.
Once it began to get dark, the two returned to their home. On the way Miach lamented that despite his many attempts to approach other adventurers Bell was their only regular customer. Naaza then revealed that she chased away any woman who came back, leaving Miach perplexed.
- Translation Blog (credits to Elschlumpfo)
- Despite not having been released alongside any volume, this story is listed as corresponding to volume 3 in the compilations of short stories from the main series for the franchise's 5th and 10th anniversaries.