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Fulland Howls (フルランド・ハウルス) is a legendary hero and a character in DanMachi Fulland of Water and Light.


Fulland had short gray hair and eyes of the same color. He wore navy blue shirt and pants under a set of gray light armor. He carried his sword on the left side of his hip and a piece of red cloth tied to his left shoulder armor.


Fulland was a man of great character who was loved by many people because of things like his sincerity. He also had a sense of responsibility as a knight and was considered a model knight.


The tale Fulland of Water and Light narrates that at one point in his life Fulland met an Dine, a Spirit with whom he allied to confront the monsters that emerged from the dungeon.

Although he swore his love to her when they met, he began to doubt whether to stay with the Undine or go with Belinda, a saint who had loved him since long before and had continued to support him. In the end, Fulland ended up choosing Belinda.

Maddened with love, Dine tried to kill Fulland, but in the end she gave up and chose to save him from a monster, losing her life in the process. Saddened, Fulland embraced her corpse and mourned more than anyone else, building a cathedral in her honor, Saint Fulland's Cathedral.

He is said to have devoted himself to exploring the dungeon and protecting the fortress that preceded Orario. However, despite the various feats he accomplished throughout his life, Dine's death is said to have tormented him and made him hate himself for the rest of his life.



Sword: Fulland wielded a sword.
