I Want the Ais Dojo to Come Back (アイズ道場は取り戻したい) is a special short story given to those who purchased volume 13 of Sword Oratoria in Animate.
Ais wanders through the hallways of the Loki Familia home, aimlessly and staggering, after having learned that Lefiya had been training with Bete as of late. Still under the belief that Bell admires Bete, and with Lefiya supposedly becoming his "apprentice", she has felt a sense of shock after trying so hard to be like a teacher, yet is losing everyone to him.
She thinks about how if it had been Riveria, Finn, Gareth, Tiona, or the others, she wouldn't really have cared, but for some reason, when it came to Bete, she felt something like sadness or a sense of loss. She continues to think about between Bete's strength, smarts, size, and fluffiness, he has her beat in all these categories, recoiling as if she had something stolen from her. Her natural airheadedness caused her to accelerate all of her thoughts, to the point where for the first time, the girl felt "inferior" as an adventurer, entirely missing the mark as she enumerated all the differences between Bete's and her own "fighting assets".
But just then, she remembers back when Freya had the city under her spell, and Bell's words about being glad that he admired her. Ais stopped dead in her tracks and became a bit embarrassed, her whole body starting to tickle thinking back to this; at this same time, Raul and Cruz admired the flustered look they spotted from Ais' contemplation. Just as the small Ais inside her heart puffed her chest to regain her dignity, Ais also regained her composure thanks to the "power" of the lucky white rabbit.
Ais decides to come to the conclusion that Bell is her disciple, and Lefiya is Bete's, so their "pupil showdown" is evenly matched, establishing the "Ais Dojo" within her heart. The small Ais, clad in a saggy and way too large martial arts gown, thrusted her small fist in the air several times and howled that they're going to take back our precious pupil. She proceeded to take advantage of Lefiya being on an assignment in the School District and called Bete into the courtyard.
Bete was confused to see Ais equipped with her sword and highly resolved, as she declares they will have a one-on-one fight, and the winner will be Lefiya's proper teacher. Bete is annoyed, calling Ais a total idiot and a pain in the ass, and even after Ais reminds him he wanted to fight her for real, he angrily responds back not under stupid circumstances. Despite his cries, Ais began to slash at him with her sword, and due to Bete's poor mental condition, she was able to overwhelmingly win, gaining a "complete victory" for the Ais Dojo over the Bete Dojo, with Ais letting out an unusual chuckle and looked very satisfed.
A few days later, when Lefiya returned from the School District, she listened to the heroic saga of the brave airhead Ais, only for it to go in one ear and out the other before returning to her training with Bete, causing Ais to feel even more depressed, and annoying Bete even further. Meanwhile, Loki, putting on the air of an actual divine being, acted as if she was about to puff out imaginary tobacco smoke and commented to Bete that any man who gets between a blossoming yuri-romance is doomed to be exterminated one day, resulting in a punch right into the Goddess' cheek.
- Translation Blog (credits to Elschlumpfo)