DanMachi Wiki

Laura (ラウラ) is a Lamia Xenos.


Laura has green hair and yellow eyes. Her skin is scaly and has a light blue color which becomes darker in her forearms. As a Lamia she possess sharp claws and a long serpentine tail. Her attire consists of a single black top held up by strings attached to a yellow choker located below a black shirt collar around her neck.


Laura is quite passionate about the subject of romance and love. She was thrilled to hear that Marie had a crush on Bell and became even more exalted when she misunderstood how intimate their interaction had been.


Xenos (異端児(ゼノス)): As a Xenos, Laura is far more intelligent and powerful than a normal monster. She has shown to be able to take on a pack of Voltimerias, one of the most powerful monsters on the 27th Floor, and be fast enough to intercept their attacks. If the Xenos needed enough fighting force to go to the Deep Floors, she would be part of it.

Claws: Laura possesses extremely sharp claws capable of cutting through a Voltimeria with ease.

