DanMachi Wiki

Pursuer T Type (追跡者T型) is a special short story given to those who purchased volume 9 of DanMachi in Gamers.


While out on an errand, Lili felt someone following her, again. Since a few days after Finn proposed to her a mysterious figure had started following her. It appearing whenever she was alone and pursued her relentlessly as it exuded a terrifying pressure.

Turning around quickly, she caught sight of a woman standing on the roof of a house. Frightened, Lili ran as fast as she could to escape from her. Her pursuer finally caught up to her when Lili tripped and fell.

With her face hidden by the shadow of the setting sun behind her, Tione asked her what she thought of Finn. A trembling Lili screamed in fear that she had no interest in Finn as she was in love with Bell and devoted to him. Satisfied with her answer, Tione turned around and left, leaving Lili unable to move for a moment due to the shock.

Once back at home, Lili threw herself tearfully into Bell's arms, who was confused at the sight. Lili continued to cry and be comforted in the boy's arms until they were found by Hestia and the rest of their familia.



  • The name of the special short story is a reference to the character Nemesis from the Resident Evil franchise. Its official name within the series is Nemesis-T Type (ネメシス-T型) and it was also nicknamed the Pursuer (追跡者).

