Rock Paper Scissors (
Shortly before going to sleep, in the Hestia Familia home, Hestia let out a groan as she stared at the back of Bell's head. The Goddess wanted a lap pillow. She was worried that she had "fallen behind" Ais, especially since she had found out about Bell's and hers secret "date".
The Goddess wasn't sure why she wanted a lap pillow so badly, but her divine intuition told her that she wanted one. However, she didn't dare ask for it outright because of her dignity as a Goddess and it would be embarrassing. At that moment Hestia thought of a way she could get what she wanted and asked Bell if he knew the game rock, paper, scissors.
The game came from Heaven as it was from the Gods and it caught Bell's interest after his Goddess explained the rules to him. Hestia told him that she had just learned how to play it and then proposed that they play it. Bell agreed, but to his surprise Hestia immediately declared that there was a special rule, which dictated that when it was played between a God and a dependent of theirs the loser had to give the winner a lap pillow. After making up her own rule, Hestia raised her fist to play.
Once she won, Hestia placed her relaxed face on Bell's lap, who was sitting on the couch. The boy did nothing but give her a bitter smile as she rubbed her cheeks against his thighs and enjoyed them.
From that day on, the Goddess managed to win sixteen times in a row against her dependent, day after day.
- Translation Blog (credits to Elschlumpfo)