She's a Good Wife and Wise Mother, So It Can't Be Helped (良妻賢母だからね、仕方ないネ) is a special short story given to those who purchased volume 15 of DanMachi in Toranoana.
After waking up in the Babel treatment facility, Bell began ecstatically devouring a huge amount of food, as he hadn't had a proper meal or drink in four days.
Hestia and Lili were capitivated by how he looked like a hungry rabbit eating delicious vegetables. However, both suddenly realized that because he couldn't use his injured arm, Bell was throwing food away and dirtying his mouth, a perfect opportunity to take care of him.
The two immediately began to argue with each other about who would be in charge of helping him. Meanwhile, Haruhime got extremely close to Bell and gently wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.
With the Renard having gotten ahead of them, Hestia and Lili stood there watching for a moment before falling defeated. Both had been beaten by her heroine power of "protected princess", or rather "genuinely good wife and wise mother".