DanMachi Wiki

The Girl and the Wolf's Afterwards (少女と(おおかみ)のその後) is a special short story given to those who purchased volume 9 of Sword Oratoria in Gamers.


On the fifth night since the war with Rakia began, a group of Loki Familia went to the remains of the Entertainment District to search for the key to Knossos. While heading to the Belit Babili Tiona and Tione commented on Lena, who Bete had brought with him, and agreed that the Werewolf should marry her.

The girl thanked them for their "support" while Bete, too angry to deal with them, went ahead of the rest to leave them behind. Lena hurried to go after him and when she caught up to him she dropped her playful attitude. With a small smile the Amazoness thanked him for the flowers on her grave, causing Bete's ears to twitch.

Lena mentioned how happy it had made her that he remembered which ones were her favorites and how seeing them had made her want to cry. Bete told her to shut up in response to both comments. However, when Lena thanked him again and said she loved him, Bete was silent for a moment before telling her without any anger to shut up again.



