The Goddess and Familia Member's Night Before the Decisive Battle (女神と眷族の決戦前夜) is a special short story given to those who purchased volume 6 of DanMachi in Amazon.
The story was later adapted in Memoria Freese to promote the third episode of the second season of the anime.
Two days before the War Game against Apollo Familia, Hestia updated Bell's level 2 status. They were in the Miach Familia home as their base preparing for the upcoming War Game. Noting his large status growth, she realized that he must have been trained by Ais, seeing that his status looked similar to his final status as Level 1, a month ago. Hestia decided to not tell him his detailed status, as it could become a problem.
Feeling jealous of the time Ais got to spend with Bell prompted Hestia to ask Bell if it was fine if they slept together. He was surprised by it, but she lied about there being just one bed left and stated that bad rest may fatigue him for the War Game. Understanding, he accepted.
Once they were lying in the bed, Hestia's emotions and thoughts turned back to the War Game; she asked Bell if he hated her, feeling guilty for accepting the War Game and putting all the responsibility on him and the rest, knowing how the risk of failure must burden them. Bell denied it, firmly declaring he wanted to win, causing Hestia to comment that he was becoming cooler. Face red, she whispered to him to do his best, which he said he would, and then both fell asleep, fingers intertwined.
- Translation Blog (credits to Angelo Gabrini)