DanMachi Wiki

War Chronicles of Shindo ~Records of the Warusa Soldiers who were Victims of a Certain Black Fairy~ (シンド戦記 ~とある黒妖精の被害に遭ったワルサ兵の記録) is a special short story given to those who purchased Episode Freya in Melonbooks.


Hogni was currently annihilating the third division of the Warusa army with his magic Dainsleif activated. As his enemies screamed in horror around him, his thoughts spun around in his head.

Although Dainsleif modified his personality and thought process, Hogni himself was the foundation. His tactical and strategic thinking leaned towards the knowledge and intuition of his original personality. Because of this, both personalities would sometimes mix together, resulting in a chaotic combination.

This is how the thoughts of the personality created by Dainsleif about offering the decapitated heads of his enemies as a sign of his loyalty to his Goddess, and those of the original personality about how much he wanted to receive a lap pillow from Freya, ended with Hogni telling his enemies to offer their laps as a sacrifice and that it would be him, not them, who would receive a lap pillow of his Goddess.

The Dark Elf ended up pointing his sword at the laps of several soldiers instead of their necks. The strange report of a surviving soldier who proclaimed that "the desert demon wanted my lap" left future historians baffled.



