DanMachi Wiki

Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka (ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか, lit. Is It Wrong to Seek an Encounter in a Dungeon?) originally began as a web novel and its first chapter was released on May 5, 2011.


DanMachi was posted on the story writing sites Arcadia and Shousetsuka ni Narou under the title Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka by Oomori Fujino, who used the user name Test (テスト). Oomori later changed the title to Familia Myth (ファミリア・ミィス) and sent it to GA Bunko's 4th competition for new authors. The story won the grand prize and was subsequently picked up by the publisher. The story's title was changed back to its original title and first volume was released on January 15, 2013.

The original web novel is no longer viewable as it was taken down on both sites due to being picked up by GA Bunko. However, as part of DanMachi's 10th Anniversary Campaign, the web novel is currently being released weekly titled as Prototype (理想郷譚(プロトタイプ)).

Differences from the Light Novel[]

  • Characters were a level below the one they had at the beginning of the story. However, they were apparently proportionally equal in terms of power. Bell was a Level 0, Minotaurs were Level 1 monsters, and Ais was Level 4.
    • Unlike the current setting, Level 0 existed.
  • The level of skill with weapons also manifested in a person's status as an ability. It beared the name of the corresponding weapon, such as Bell's being Dagger due to his use of them. It manifested in its own area, below the section for skills at the very bottom, but was exactly the same to basic abilities in that it had a numerical value and a rank.
  • Lili had a habit of saying shishishishi (シシシシッ).
  • The Hephaestus Familia home was called Etna Volcano (エトナ・ボルケーノ).
  • Tione and Tiona were named Elma (エルマ) and Elna (エルナ) respectively, though their names were changed in the light novel because they were too similar to Eina's name.
  • Bell's teacher was Ryuu instead of Ais.

Volume 1[]

Volume 2[]

Volume 3[]

Volume 4[]

Volume 5[]
